Kit from Spunky Eclectic.
After looking at the projects & yarn, I decided to go with 12 epi instead of 10. Though after reading the pattern, that may have been a mistake. Not sure. Will see after washing it.
Took a week to finish up the warping due to some issues. But finished the weaving in a day!
Not sure if there was just a lot of extra yarn in the kit, the change in epi or that there is more waste yarn on a table loom than a rigid heddle, but have a lot left. I wound 3 bobbins of each color & have 1± bobbins of both colors.
Total length 66.666”
6” wide
Learning Points
Broke 2 threads during the warping process which is why it took so long to get it warped. The yarn is nubby & 2 stands got interwined. Whoops!
Let it sit while I looked for solutions. Of course, I should have realized that the Craftsy Floor Loom class had suggestions in the comments!
Wound 2 stands & added them into the warp when threading. Used a medicine bottle with M&Ms. Didn’t weight it enough. So I placed a small metal lantern on it to hold it down.
Worked well until close to the ends when the unbound ends popped up! Actually tied the two loose warp ends to the lantern. Was able to get it to stay with a bit of finanguling.
I also found that the Medico heddle bars are bowing when I put heavy tension on the warp. Enough so that I have to fiddle with them to get the shafts to move easily. Thinking it’s worth checking with Camilla Farms to see if they think replacement heddle bars would address the issue.
Also think I should replace the dowel I tie on to with a square piece of wood. There’s some bowing of the bar when tied on.
So…lots of learning…