WTF, Stripes?
July 12, 2016
August 4, 2016

WTF, Stripes?

Project info
Smooth Operator Socks by Susan B. Anderson
Feet / LegsSocksMid-calf
large (72 sts)
Needles & yarn
US 1 - 2.25 mm
US 2 - 2.75 mm
Regia 4-fädig Mini Ringel Color
28 yards in stash
1.72 skeins = 395.1 yards (361.3 meters), 86 grams

8/1/16 Done except for weaving in the ends (and getting better pics). The wtf stripes struck again. a few inches from the top, they lined up again! Who knows? The only difference was the last little bit of stripe that actually hit halfway through the bind off: one was orange and the other was yellow. Whatevs, I like them.

I actually ran out of yarn while binding one off, so I russian joined a little bit on. I guess I lost that game of yarn chicken!

7/31/16 Almost done! I’m working on the ribbing at the top. The new heels and length fit great!

When I redid the heels, I made a couple of changes. I did one fewer k round than called for before starting the decreases. Also, I only decreased until I had 20 sts, then grafted the heels.

The sizing seems to be just right. There’s enough stretch to the 72 st size that it seems to fit both my ankle and my calf. I’m knitting the cuffs on the long side because I’m trying to use up as much of the yarn as I can.

7/28/16 These socks have really put me through the wringer! I put the heels in only to find they were way too long. I had added waste yarn at 8.5” (2” less than the length of my foot) and the sock ended up being a good inch too long. So, I pulled out the heels and ripped the feet back to 7” and I’m trying again.

7/21/16 These are coming along nicely. I figured since the pattern is geared toward self-striping yarn, I’d actually try to make them match. Usually I don’t bother as I actually like socks that don’t match, but I thought it would be fun to do for this pattern. Well, imagine my surprise when, about a dozen stripes in, the color sequence suddenly changed! What seemed like a regular pattern has now become almost completely random. WTF?

7/14/16 Well, I ripped out what I had so far and restarted. I had gotten the toes almost done, but there were some holes/looseness in the increases that were going to bother me.

The pattern is for cuff-down, but I really want to do toe-up. Since it calls for an afterthought heel, I figured it wouldn’t be an issue to switch it around. I initially did left and right raised increases but it wasn’t looking right, so now I’m doing m1r and m1l. I find m1r to be challenging on such a tightly knit project as socks, but I think it looks better than kfb. We’ll see how it goes!

viewed 155 times | helped 4 people
July 12, 2016
August 4, 2016
About this pattern
7608 projects, in 2359 queues
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About this yarn
by Regia
75% Wool, 25% Nylon
230 yards / 50 grams

737 projects

stashed 742 times

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  • Originally queued: July 12, 2016
  • Project created: July 14, 2016
  • Updated: August 4, 2016
  • Progress updates: 4 updates