September 17, 2013
December 22, 2013


Project info
Dusk by Veera Välimäki
Needles & yarn
US 7 - 4.5 mm
US 8 - 5.0 mm
Dulcimer Doigts de fée DK
none left in stash
3.6 skeins = 921.6 yards (842.7 meters), 414 grams

Okay, so. First things first: I am totally in love with this yarn, both its hand and its amazing colour.

I first swatched with 4mm needles but to reach gauge I had to go up eventually to 5mm, which I was really surprised about. I thought the fabric it made was a bit too floppy and loose, but it wasn’t transparent or anything so I persevered.

It started looking seriously big for me when I reached then closed the sleeve openings; they seemed too low compared to what the pattern asked and what the sweater looked on other people. Then the pattern called for 40cm more of body followed by 5mm of ribbing, which would have made a dress. So I halved that and knit about 20cm + ribbing.

Trying it on, it looked like it might be okay, so I waited until after knitting one sleeve to check again. The sleeve made it clear this wouldn’t work out at all.

The thing is, I have narrow shoulders (though I’m wider from upper arm fat) and a really short bust (soooo short-waisted), so although I did choose the right size for my bust there was no way the model unaltered would fit, and especially not at that gauge.

I’m now thinking I will frog it entirely when I can bear to do so, and knit the same size again using either 4mm or 4.5mm. That should tighten/shorten everything such that it fits right on my shoulders - and if need be, I’ll shorten the top part of the body to ensure the sleeve openings are where they need to be, and shorten the bottom part too.

It’s a good thing I like knitting this yarn so much bc it means I’m not even sad at the prospect of knitting a whole XL size sweater again.

2013-10-15 I have entirely unraveled this and balled the yarn anew to start it up again.

2013-10-17 I started again yesterday, this time with 4mm needles for a nice, not-too-loose fabric. I think we’re gonna be okay this time. /hopeful

2014-05-01 I finally uploaded the pictures of the finished object! After trying twice to make the sleeves I decided their shape really didn’t suit me and I chose to wear it as it is sleeveless. I find it very cosy and comforting to wear, even if the shoulders slip a little. It could use an added collar and I thought about knitting one, but since I was undecided and used the remainder of the yarn for a shawl, this decision is postponed to a later—hypothetical—date. I don’t often wear collared shirts but they are a very good match under this pullover. :)

The pictures taken outside of the finished sweater don’t show the true colour (it’s closer on the indoors/unfinished pic).

viewed 368 times
September 17, 2013
December 22, 2013
About this pattern
49 projects, in 179 queues
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About this yarn
by Dulcimer
100% Merino
256 yards / 115 grams

147 projects

stashed 114 times

anatsuno's star rating
  • Project created: September 17, 2013
  • Updated: April 30, 2014
  • Progress updates: 9 updates