I will be hand-dyeing the wool for this sweater… I’ve been meaning to try the process, and working in a lab with all the dyes available makes it extra plausible.
Photos from top:
- The colours are here!
- wool all divvied up for dyeing - there are two sets for each stripe as we are two ladies knitting the top
- After scouring with very effective lab soap - Neutracon. We tagged each mini-skein with plastic tabs so that we can track them throughout - the dry weight of the wool being indicated with differently shaped tags
- Mordanting with alum
- After mordanting, the wool is to be kept moist for 24-48 hrs
- In the meantime, the weld is abrewin’
- Weld bath! It’s milky due to added chalk to harden the water
- The first dyed skeins - the furthest on the right is weld only, centre and left had some madder added to the beakers
- A few random tests - logwood on top, madder dip followed by weld in middle, and weld with a few drops of logwood
- The madder is abrewin’ for tomorrow!
- Madder bath!
- Yellow made more golden with a bit of quercitron; orange from consecutive dips in weld, madder, weld+quercitron; straight-up madder red
- We decided to go for the ‘organic fermented indigo vat’ with dates… I have to say it is a finicky business.
- The indigo ‘vat’/beaker. As you can see, the indigo which is normally a blue powder suspension has been reduced by the date-fructose and base (calcium hydroxide) to a clear yellow solution. The foam on top includes dye that has been oxidised back to blue in the air.
- The first batch of blues and greens… We hope to attain a few deeper blues tomorrow with strawberry-flavoured high fructose corn syrup.
- Finally getting the hang of the indigo vat. Jeez, what a pain in the butt.
Started on the 4th… it is such an addicting little yoke to make; the stitch pattern and stripes make the process fly by.
Blocking! I love it!