Waterfall scarf, my first foray to lace
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Waterfall scarf, my first foray to lace

Project info
Handout at river colors
Maria, Marcie
Needles & yarn
US 13 - 9.0 mm
US 15 - 10.0 mm
River Colors Studio in Lakewood, Ohio

This was a free pattern at River Colors last winter. I was about halfway through and muttering something about how I may never be a quality enough (or patient enough) knitter to knit lace. Laura my teacher promptly informed me I was in fact knitting lace that very second. If this is lace, give me more! I like how these turned out.

Maria is a dear, longtime friend. She has a personality that is 110% sass and can get away with it. She asked for a personal handknit, requesting black or gray because apparently that’s all she wears (“I need it to look good with black pants and a white tshirt, and a drabby jacket”). Contrary to her modeled photo above, but that was taken on the weekend where wild colors may often exist. I just couldn’t bear to spend 10 hours in Cleveland winter staring at black yarn, so I found this mix of slight blues, metallic gray, and purple. It will still go with black, but I’m glad I took artistic license to sneak some color into her wardrobe.

The green scarf is for the Mister’s cousin Marcie. She hails from a part-Irish background, the part that is not Italian like the remainder of his family tree. Last winter Marcie underwent a surgery and I considered she may want a scarf for decoration, comfort, cushion, distraction, or just goodwill from a surprise source. The Irish green looks great with her hair and eyes. She even handwrote me a thank you note, now THAT is the mark of a successful knitted project.

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About this pattern
Personal pattern (not in Ravelry)
  • Project created: January 20, 2013
  • Finished: January 20, 2013
  • Updated: July 22, 2013