I improvised this design and used a site to help with a different heel than I’d done before. Details soon!
Well it only took me one full year to finish these… Ugh.
From the blog:
Now let me close this blog post with the notes that I took on the napkin. If anyone is ever interested, I’ll write it up into somewhat of a proper pattern.
CO 24 (12 on each needle)
Increase every other rnd to 60 sts
K4, P2 on top of foot
K bottom of foot
Repeat for 9”
Heel flap over 30 sts:
Slp1, K across
Slp1, P across
Repeat for 30 rnds
Turn Heel:
Slp1, K15, K2tog, k1, turn
Slp1, P5, P2tog, p1, turn
Pu and k 15sts, K across top of foot, Pu and k 15sts (47 heel + 30 top)
This is as far as I wrote the pattern on the napkin. However, if you are a sock knitter you will know that you’ll need to decrease the heel sts until you’re back to 30. I did:
K 1, SSK, knit to last 3, K2tog, k1
Knit all
(Repeat until you have 60 total sts)
Once you’re back to 60, you can continue the pattern in a k4, p2 over all 60 sts to give the sock lots of stretch, but to hold itself up nicely. I finished with EZ’s sewn cast off. This link has great photos and the how-to.