DH has been asking for a scarf for a while, so during the day and any other time I could sneak it in, I’ve been knitting this one for him. It was supposed to be for his birthday in mid-January, but realistically there was no way I would have been able to get it done by then after the holiday craziness.
I altered the pattern per other knitter’s notes and suggestions (see the projects I favorited/bookmarked to the right for ideas).
Cast on 36 st using long tail cast-on.
Row 1: s1p, StSt across
Rows 2 & 3: s1p then K2; * (K1P1) 4x then K3 repeat from * to end
Rows 4 & 5: s1p, StSt across
Repeat the pattern with rows 2-5. Before binding off I only knit rows 2-4 and then bound off the scarf using a US 8 needle (I’m a tight knitter, and my bind-offs have a tendency to pucker, so I always bind off with a bigger needle).
I knit this on a pair of US 7 circulars, using the cord to hold a Clover stitch counter so I could keep track of which row I was on (learned to do that real quick because this is kind of a mindless pattern and mindless patterns = lots of ripping and mistakes for me since I don’t pay as much attention).
Also used some stitch markers to mark when I was knitting the 3 stitches and then K1P1 (again, to prevent mindless mistakes).
Scarf length is a little over 65 inches, not including the tassles/fringe.
Yarn has a good, heavy drape. Will not be blocking. Also the variated gray-black color of the yarn makes it easy to hide mistakes. I honestly don’t think I really made any that I didn’t correct, but if you’re wanting this to be a beginner project, then this yarn is the way to go for hiding those little “oopsies” along the way.