Cold Mountain
January 5, 2010
March 9, 2010

Cold Mountain

Project info
Cold Mountain by Kieran Foley
Neck / TorsoShawl / Wrap
Needles & yarn
US 3 - 3.25 mm
Mondial Merino Fine
843 yards in stash
0.45 skeins = 688.0 yards (629.1 meters), 45 grams
Fiinaneule in Helsinki, Southern Finland

I’ve only knitted one shawl with very fine yarn in the past, and so far this one has been going a lot better. It’s not that it was too difficult the first time ‘round, but somehow I’ve gotten used to dealing with the yarn and coping with the way it behaves on the needles.

So far I’ve loved the pattern and the shawl promises to be really pretty. It’s just pretty slow going, especially now that it’s winter and my apartment is pretty cold; my hands get very cold when I knit this because the fine yarn doesn’t offer any warmth at all.

March 9th
Yay, it’s all finished :) I just weaved in the ends and took some pics. It’s a beautiful day, but the sun didn’t help me much with the pictures. Shawl’s are difficult objects to photograph o.O

viewed 162 times
January 5, 2010
March 9, 2010
About this pattern
1073 projects, in 2107 queues
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About this yarn
by Mondial
100% Wool
1531 yards / 100 grams

133 projects

stashed 179 times

bamboonumber1's star rating
  • Project created: January 9, 2010
  • Finished: March 9, 2010
  • Updated: December 27, 2011
  • Progress updates: 4 updates