August 2017
September 2017


Project info
Bell by Ann McCauley
35 1/4
Needles & yarn
US 4 - 3.5 mm
23 stitches and 32 rows = 4 inches
in 24x38=4"
Cascade Yarns ® Ultra Pima
6 skeins = 1320.0 yards (1207.0 meters), 600 grams

I really wanted this sweater the minute I first saw it on Ravelry but in cotton - so I could wear it in warm climate. Found Cascade Ultra Pima - very soft and squishy yarn, easy to work with, not hard on your hands. Great color - cream - but difficult to photograph.
My gauge was a little bit different so I started all the decreases for armholes right after finishing with body decreases and sleeves increases. And I did all increases/decreases on the wrong/knit side (just started doing it this way absentmindedly and then had to keep it throughout). Otherwise no changes whatsoever. I even didn’t shorten sleeves as I usually do, because I don’t think that I am going to cook or clean anything wearing this sweater.
Great pattern, as always with Ann McCauley. And amazing math. Usually, when sewing sleeves in, I have to fudge a little bit here and there. Not this time. Everything fits perfectly.
I bought 6 skeins of yarn because, according to the pattern, 1435 yards are needed for the smallest size. But I used only 4.5 skeins. And I made the second size, not the smallest one.

viewed 768 times | helped 4 people
August 2017
September 2017
About this pattern
48 projects, in 195 queues
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About this yarn
by Cascade Yarns ®
100% Pima
220 yards / 100 grams

28680 projects

stashed 26262 times

barkingknitter's star rating
  • Project created: September 27, 2017
  • Updated: September 27, 2017