Andrea's Shawl 60"x32"
October 11, 2013
October 29, 2013

Andrea's Shawl 60"x32"

Project info
Andrea's Shawl by Kirsten Kapur
Neck / TorsoShawl / Wrap
60"w x 32"d (blocked & damp)
Needles & yarn
US 6 - 4.0 mm
Cherry Tree Hill Yarn Supersock Select Sport
6210 yards in stash
3 skeins = 690.0 yards (630.9 meters), 300 grams
March 9, 2013

I wanted a larger shawl, so instead of repeating the bottom edging 129 times, I repeated it 147. This made the number of stitches picked up 295 instead of 259. The repeats on the edging are 8 per side instead of 7.

Honestly, were I making it for myself, I would have gone MUCH larger, probably at least doubling the edging rows, and elongating the wingspan. (3 increases every 2 rows?)

I’m more-or-less following the instructions by
On the body section, count stitches between markers (or relocate markers) BEFORE beginning the eyelets (Row 3). I somehow managed to be off count by 2, and it wasn’t until I belatedly relocated my markers that I realized the problem. (Fortunately, I had to rip only 2 rows. But I didn’t learn, and the second time I had to rip many more. I really should pause the movie I’m watching long enough read the notes I write to myself. Duh.)

Also on Row 3 of eyelet section:

  • I started the row with k, k, k2tog, yo….
  • At the center, I did a yo, k2tog, k1, p1, k1, ssk, yo (the purl was the center stitch)
  • On the first half, I did k2togs; on the second half, ssks. Not sure if it’s significant -- maybe I can tell a few rows ahead as I look back.

Top edging, from

To pick up the right number of stitch for the top edge border I -- picked up 1 stitch in every garter ridge 4 times then added an extra stitch -- repeat to the end (plus 1 or two extra to get 93 stitches on each side).

I wasn’t so precise and instead marked off the top into 5 more or less equal length segments and picked up extra stitches where there seemed to be gaps in my tension. I picked up 210 total stitches (170 + 24 + 8 + 8), since the incremental difference between sizes was 24 stitches. It seems to have worked out ok.

Also note: I measured two skeins of the yarn when winding it into a ball, and both measured closer to 200 yds than 230 yds. So the shawl possibly used 600 yds rather than 700 yds.

Ending stitch count for rows, starting with pickup up on lace:
1 262 (RS)
3 257
5 253 (2nd row of eyelets) Ridge 1
7 249 (4th row of eyelets)
9 245
11 241
13 237
15 233
17 229
19 225
21 221
23 217
25 213
27 209
29 205
31 201 (2nd row of eyelets) Ridge 2
33 197 (4th row of eyelets)
35 193
37 189
39 185
41 181
43 177
45 173
47 169
49 165
51 161
53 157
55 153
57 149 (2nd row of eyelets) Ridge 3
59 145 (4th row of eyelets)
61 141
63 137
65 133
67 129
69 125
71 121
73 119
75 115
77 111
79 107
81 103
83 99 (2nd row of eyelets) Ridge 4
85 95 (4th row of eyelets)
87 91
89 87
91 83
93 79
95 75
97 71
99 67
101 64
103 61
105 57
107 53
109 49 (2nd row of eyelets) Ridge 5
111 45 (4th row of eyelets)
113 41
115 37
117 33
119 29
121 25
123 21
125 17
127 13
129 9
131 5
133 3

viewed 201 times | helped 9 people
October 11, 2013
October 29, 2013
About this pattern
1554 projects, in 2641 queues
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About this yarn
by Cherry Tree Hill Yarn
100% Merino
360 yards / 113 grams

292 projects

stashed 566 times

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  • Originally queued: August 31, 2013
  • Project created: October 11, 2013
  • Finished: October 29, 2013
  • Updated: May 3, 2014
  • Progress updates: 3 updates