Pink Tan Brown Poncho-Turned-Lap Blanket
October 11, 2023
October 31, 2023

Pink Tan Brown Poncho-Turned-Lap Blanket

Project info
Icy Hombre Poncho by Miko Coffey
Neck / TorsoPoncho
Me, Stashbusting, Scrapbusting, Fun
Quite Large: 35" wide x 35" tall
Hooks & yarn
6.0 mm (J)
Big Twist (Jo-Ann) Value Solids
Hobby Lobby I Love This Yarn! Solids
Premier Yarns Just Yarn Worsted
Unlabeled #4 pink yarn from scraps

I really messed up on this. I don’t know exactly why it made that much of a difference, but since I like the size of the previous poncho I made (The Pizzazz Poncho here), I thought I’d just make the panels to be that size (16” x 33”).

One other modification I made to the pattern was to make long rows instead of short ones since I knew I would be changing colors at the end of every row.

My beginning foundation triple crochet was 100 sts, which was 34”, but it grew to be about 35”.

I guess what I’ll have to do is fill in the neck area a BUNCH. I may work on that tomorrow at Tammy’s craft day. Right now it has just been in time out while I created a second one according to the pattern’s actual directions. That project is here.

UPDATE: Even after adding multiple rounds to the neck and decreasing numerous times, I put it on over my head and it promptly fell over my body and to the floor. It fit my 6ft, 250 pound husband quite well, but these aren’t his colors.

I disassembled the neck rounds and joins, and then rejoined the bottom edge of one rectangle to the top edge of the other to form a square. I’ve done two rounds of a border: R1 slst on raw edges (sides) and sc along top and bottom; R2 hdc around, going into center of slst through the fabric and coming out above (so it wouldn’t be included in the hdc) the back of the slst (the st that shows on the back of the work).

viewed 19 times
October 11, 2023
October 31, 2023
About this pattern
45 projects, in 122 queues
bekkfek's overall rating
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bekkfek's difficulty rating
About this yarn
by Hobby Lobby
100% Acrylic
355 yards / 199 grams

106714 projects

stashed 30758 times

bekkfek's star rating
About this yarn
by Big Twist (Jo-Ann)
100% Acrylic
380 yards / 170 grams

24698 projects

stashed 22451 times

bekkfek's star rating
About this yarn
by Premier Yarns
100% Acrylic
131 yards / 60 grams

2561 projects

stashed 3139 times

bekkfek's star rating
bekkfek's adjectives for this yarn
  1. Soft
  2. Pretty
  3. Great quality
  • Project created: October 20, 2023
  • Updated: January 30, 2024