Northern Lights Iba
August 1, 2018
September 27, 2018

Northern Lights Iba

Project info
Iba by Bonne Marie Burns
Needles & yarn
US 8 - 5.0 mm
4.5 stitches and 6 rows = 1 inch
in Stockinette St
Rambouillet-Teresa Terry
1150.0 yards (1051.6 meters)

8/1 My son left this morning to drive from Seattle to Anchorage, AK on his Suzuki motorcycle. He plans to not shave the entire month he is gone. I’m going try and finish the sweater before he comes home. ;-)

8/6 Joined the body.

8/11 Knit about 4” of the body. Love the yarn!

8/19 Finished body increases and have about 4” more to knit and then will begin hem. Ben called to say he may come home early so I gotta get knitting!

8/22 Bound off body. Ben called to say he was leaving Anchorage today to ride home. I have about six days to finished the sleeves if I want to make my goal!

9/1 Twenty-two days to knit the body. Ten minutes to unravel. :-(

I was impatient and didn’t alternate skeins. DUMB. I know better but was impatient. No one ever regretted alternating skeins, but sure can regret not alternating.

9/9 To date I have finished the yoke shaping, joined the body, and knit about 6” from the underarm down. I’m setting a new goal of finishing the sweater when I’m at the beach for a week. ;-)

A note about alternating the skeins. I didn’t want to make the change on the front edge for fear that would not look the same. I am making the change on the 9th stitch from the left front edge which is a broken rib. When I pick up the working yarn I make a yarn over which I drop on the wrong side. This insures that I don’t pull the yarn too tight. Seems to be working.

9/17 Bound off body and started first sleeve.

9/27 Finished. Need to weave in ends, wash and block.

viewed 413 times | helped 2 people
August 1, 2018
September 27, 2018
About this pattern
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  • Project created: August 1, 2018
  • Updated: October 14, 2018
  • Progress updates: 2 updates