Sirdar Chevron cardi (1949)
April 12, 2021
June 16, 2021

Sirdar Chevron cardi (1949)

Project info
Lady's Jumper Cardigan by Sirdar
Show & Tell KAL April 2021
Needles & yarn
US 2 - 2.75 mm
ColourMart Extra Fine Merino 2/30 nm Laceweight
1.66 skeins = 4000.0 yards (3657.6 meters)
March 4, 2021

Look for the knit-along in
and on instagram #sirdarchevron
We’ve zoomed to chat about it

Details on how to join us at

Held triple off 3 cones. Unwashed. Yardage noted is not accurate (for anyone searching for that).


The fabric has plenty of stretch to it…that lace!…so I think it will be forgiving. I’m going to do a deeper ribbing than the pattern calls for, and I’ll get my needed waist shaping there.

I’m getting 8.73 rows/inch in pattern. One of the 12-row repeats is giving me an inch and a half if I stretch it to where it will be post blocking…so 12 repeats from ribbing to shoulder will give me 18” -- too long for me, so I’ll be adjusting there. I was shooting for a row gauge close to stitch gauge to give me a more slender elongated V-shape, so I’m happy.


changed to #3 needle after 5th repeat instead of 4th.
Can ignore changing edge that I was attempting to add..


Our cast on party took place on 4/15/21.
See video above.


For back, did provisional cast on and will knit down in ribbing after I complete the upper part. Have completed 7 repeats so far.


start after row 32 ( 3x not twice (errata)

Completed 1 sleeve, top back, top left front, part of top right front. 3 needle bind off right shoulder and mattress st right side seam.

viewed 293 times | helped 2 people
April 12, 2021
June 16, 2021
About this pattern
9 projects, in 27 queues
billietoy's overall rating
billietoy's clarity rating
billietoy's difficulty rating
billietoy's adjectives for this pattern
  1. stretchy
  2. vintage
  3. lacey
About this yarn
by ColourMart
100% Merino
2405 yards / 150 grams

1439 projects

stashed 2379 times

billietoy's star rating
billietoy's adjectives for this yarn
  1. Thin
  2. Luxurious
  3. Good for lace
  • Originally queued: February 14, 2021
  • Project created: February 19, 2021
  • Finished: June 20, 2021
  • Updated: February 28, 2024
  • Progress updates: 16 updates