September 8, 2015
October 19, 2015


Project info
Sunwalker by Melanie Berg
Neck / TorsoShawl / Wrap
Needles & yarn
US 6 - 4.0 mm
Malabrigo Yarn Arroyo
84 yards in stash
3.75 skeins = 1254.8 yards (1147.3 meters), 375 grams

What a great pattern, it took me a few repeats to be able to read my stitches but once I did it was nice endless knitting that didn’t need a lot of attention to the pattern. The lace section flew by, but it’ll be a while before I do seed stitch again…!


Extra YO every 4th row
Slipped first stitch of each RS row to give a nice edge


The colourway is so unbelievably pretty, it’s super soft and I can’t stop stroking it. Didn’t have any issues caking it up, it’s been really nice to work with. Being lazy and not alternating skeins, lets see if I pay for this later…!

8 Sept: Started on the body of the shawl, moss stitch I shake my fist… On the 5th repeat of 24 and have realised I have an error about 10 rows down… Do I frog or simply move on? My stitch count matches, and with the colourway and seed stitch it’s only really noticeable to me.

17 Sept: I had to tink… forgive me haha. Finally getting the hang of the seeded section, had a few rows where I simply lost track of where I was and my stitch count but now I’m flying along! Just about to hit 120 stitches… so close but so far.

10 Oct: Seed stitch blows haha. Flying through the lace section now, just finished chart C and doing the 2nd repeat of chart A. Have finally let go of my obsessive stitch counting and just going for it! Just about finished the 3rd skein now.

19 Oct: Onto the last repeat of the moss stitch!

viewed 592 times
September 8, 2015
October 19, 2015
About this pattern
1034 projects, in 2282 queues
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About this yarn
by Malabrigo Yarn
100% Merino
334 yards / 100 grams

46285 projects

stashed 36870 times

bliink's star rating
  • Project created: September 9, 2015
  • Finished: October 20, 2015
  • Updated: February 20, 2016
  • Progress updates: 3 updates