Blockbuster Stashbuster
March 1, 2023
March 13, 2023

Blockbuster Stashbuster

Project info
Blockbuster by Boo Knits
Neck / TorsoScarf
Neck / TorsoShawl / Wrap
Needles & yarn

I fancy a spring shawl and MKALs are always a good way to use up stash. Have pulled some odd skeins/balls out and leftover balls from previous projects. There’s some Border Tart, Zakami Yarns, Madeline Tosh and Koiku yarns all working well together.

Really enjoying this knit - all the different lace patterns have been fun and interesting to knit and then the bands between are quick to knit for catch-up clues. Am curious to see what happens on the two ends now.

It’s blocking. As it was already quite big and I was running out of yarn for some of the colours, I decided to omit Episode 19 and quite like the symmetry of both sides ending on the garter rows. Not a fan of the picot bindoff so just did a stretchy bindoff. Looking forward to wearing this.

viewed 154 times
March 1, 2023
March 13, 2023
About this pattern
98 projects, in 50 queues
blithespirit's overall rating
blithespirit's clarity rating
blithespirit's difficulty rating
  • Project created: February 20, 2023
  • Updated: March 21, 2023
  • Progress updates: 6 updates