"10,000 Memories" - Granny's Daughter Scrap Afghan
In progress
September 22, 2012
work in progress

"10,000 Memories" - Granny's Daughter Scrap Afghan

Project info
10,000 Memories by Bob Crochets
California King
Hooks & yarn
4.0 mm (G)

March 4, 2019

Made another 43 squares yesterday and a whole bunch more throughout the last week. Slowly but surely I am whittling down my stash. There is A LOT to go, though. I have no idea how long this will end up taking, but I’m trying to do at least 10 squares a day to try and keep momentum.

February 27, 2019

Out of hibernation and 294 little squares made since 2019 started, I am slowly working on crocheting up the pieces that go into this blanket. None of those GD’s have ends tied in yet, but that’s fine. All progress on this project is good progress.

Right now I’m in the middle of desperately destashing my yarn supplies. And the fastest way for me to do it and continue working on project completion is to crochet all that yarn up into GD’s for 10,000 Memories. So here we all. I have skeins and skeins and skeins of yarn to work up still, but I’m trying to crochet at least a few every day so that I keep momentum. And so far it seems to be working. I just need to keep up the work and then tie in all the ends and then this blanket will be done in no time. I give it 6 months for the entire thing to be done. (Fingers crossed.)

March 29, 2015

Well, I daresay that it has been a while since I last worked on this wonderful afghan! Since I hadn’t been crocheting very much, I hadn’t been creating much scrap yarn, either, so this blanket went on hiatus again so that I could add some variety to my square stash again before continuing stitching it together. SO’s Blanket will be donating yarn very soon and through some cleaning I found a bunch of scrap yarn that I’d been working through, so expect progress and pictures very soon!

March 28, 2013

Only about 50 more granny’s daughters left to tie in before I have at it and start joining again. Things are going well. My arthritis has gotten much better with a diet change to GF and I am currently UNSTOPPABLE!

Update: I finished tying in the rest of the granny’s daughters around 7 p.m. tonight. I have since sewn in three rows and I’m getting ready to start the fourth. I should have 30/100 rows done by the end of this evening.

March 19, 2013

In the last week or so, I have burned through almost 1000 yards of yarn. It’s been wonderful and slowly but surely I am whittling away at my excess scrap yarn. I probably have 500+ granny’s daughters waiting to have their ends weaved in. It’s wonderful. I even added Row 26 onto my afghan last Saturday. It’s looking beautiful and I am really happy with how it’s coming along. If I continue at the rate I’ve been working, I think I could have this thing done by summer time, but by then I’d like to begin quilting, so my goal is to get the entire thing done by the end of the year. We’ll see. As of right now, I am very happy with the progress I’ve been making.

March 11, 2013

Made at least 100 squares over the weekend. If my arthritis hadn’t started to act up on Sunday, I probably could have done a lot more, but I was still happy to get a bunch of scrap yarn used up. 200 or so yards isn’t much in the grand scheme of things, but 100 squares is 100 squares. It’s tying in the ends that makes me so bonkers, but the end outcome is SO WORTH IT.

March 9, 2013

I have been working slowly and surely on this project over the last few months. At this point, I am approximately 16 out of 100 rows into the joining and I am currently working on a pattern for it in the future. I ran into a roadblock, however, because my color scheme had gotten too similar in my finished squares, so I am currently accumulating stray yarn balls (see 3rd picture down) to add some variety. Hopefully, by summer I will have my entire set of squares done and ready to join. I still have over 750 to make, though, for the blanket I want to finish. (At least I got my yarn organized! Another update, soon!

December 26, 2012

Christmas was a successful crochet day. Over the last week or so I have been working on getting all the tails tied into my GDs. When I counted them all up, I had (have) over 300 of them done and I started joining. Yesterday I added 3 more rows to the blanket and today I’ve added 2 more so far. I plan on adding at least one more before the end of the night, but we’ll see. Things get kind of nuts around the house with a brand new puppy -- we got her on Christmas Eve!

December 10, 2012

I finished joining on Row 11 today. Only about 99 or so to go! I’ve got a ton of GDs to weave ends in on and about 200 that are all set and ready for joining. I’ve only got two finals left. Here’s to getting some SERIOUS work done on this blanket over break.

November 28, 2012

Happy birthday to me! Happy birthday to me! Happy birthday to tybear, happy birthday and joy-ning! I have joined eight rows so far on this blanket and it is absolutely GORGEOUS. I can’t wait to keep working on it throughout winter. And with classes almost out for the semester, the yarning can continue at full force in just under two weeks!

November 24, 2012

I counted up how many finished square I have last night. The number is 97. I think I’ll try and get some more color diversification before I begin joining, but I have WAY more than I thought I did.

November 16, 2012

I only have about 70-120 more scraps to crochet before I start to join my granny’s daughters. I plan on slip stitching them together as soon as I get enough squares crocheted and weaved in. Until then, I’m still chugging away. :)

September 22, 2012

I’m looking at my box of random yarn balls. I’ve looked at hundreds of patterns and nothing inspires me. So what do I do? Well, I think I finally have a plan. Time to make a boatload of granny’s daughters and work it out from there. I made 66 GDs last night, getting through about 75 yards of yarn.

September 23, 2012

I found a whole different box of random scrap yarn cakes/balls today. I was pretty bummed, but more GDs means more blankets, right? Back to the hooks!

viewed 843 times | helped 4 people
In progress
September 22, 2012
work in progress
About this pattern
20 projects, in 153 queues
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  • Project created: September 22, 2012
  • In progress: October 18, 2016
  • Updated: March 4, 2019
  • Progress updates: 3 updates