no date set
January 2016


Project info
Strokkur by Ysolda Teague
40" hips, 35.5" bust
Needles & yarn
US 5 - 3.75 mm
Ístex Léttlopi
284 yards in stash
6 skeins = 656.2 yards (600.0 meters), 300 grams
Needles in the Hay in Peterborough, Ontario
Ístex Léttlopi
55 yards in stash
Needles in the Hay in Peterborough, Ontario
Ístex Léttlopi
35 yards in stash
Needles in the Hay in Peterborough, Ontario
Ístex Léttlopi
22 yards in stash
Tolt Yarn and Wool in Carnation, Washington

Pattern gauge:
18 sts x 28 rounds

Swatched on 3.75mm
20sts x 27 rounds unblocked
18.5 sts x 26 rounds blocked

My hips are about 40” and I have a 36” bust. Planning to cast on for the correct size at the hip and decrease gradually to the smaller size at the bust. (So, no exaggerated waist decrease and no waist increases). Also planning to knit the body shorter, because I am pretty short.

Knit until 5.5”, set up decrease round as described in pattern, and knit decrease round. Repeating decrease round every 11th round, 5 times total, to get the final stitch count for 36” bust.

Used this “Alternate Cable Cast-on for 1x1 Ribbing” by Woolly Wormhead - it took literally a couple hours to do but it is worth it.

Same cast on as above.
Knit 8 rows of 1x1 rib instead of garter on the cuffs.
Knit 5 rows in stockinette.
Knit 7 rounds, rather than 8, between increase rows.
Knit 15 rounds plain.

Used white, rather than the MC, in rows 12 and 13.

1x1 rib rather than garter.


Have knit about 8.5” total of the body. I love knitting with Lopi so much and I can’t wait to wear this sweater.


Finished knitting the body up to the sleeves. I am still loving knitting this! Unblocked, the body is about 13.5”. Also love the subtle shape of the decreases for this. Going to continue on with the directions for the 36” bust from this point forward.

viewed 213 times | helped 2 people
no date set
January 2016
About this pattern
from Ysolda
1297 projects, in 1575 queues
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About this yarn
by Ístex
100% Icelandic
109 yards / 50 grams

61245 projects

stashed 58152 times

bossyfemme's star rating
  • Project created: November 4, 2015
  • Finished: December 4, 2015
  • Updated: December 29, 2016