A Blankie for Me
October 10, 2012
May 2014

A Blankie for Me

Project info
Bullseye by Brittany Tyler Simmonds
Afghan block
Me and my gang
Hooks & yarn

31/10/12 - Started with a 5 mm hook but gave up after first two rounds as my tension is way too tight. Now using 6 mm with much better results. Not sure if I will make 12 blocks or more. I’ll get to 12 then see. So far so good. Very quick to make circles but I will be more challenged on the squaring up. This will be my 3rd crocheted blanket, the other two being granny squares and much smaller in size.

viewed 63 times
October 10, 2012
May 2014
About this pattern
193 projects, in 654 queues
bravenewvintage's overall rating
bravenewvintage's clarity rating
bravenewvintage's difficulty rating
  • Originally queued: April 1, 2012
  • Project created: October 30, 2012
  • Updated: June 29, 2014
  • Progress updates: 2 updates