Colour Theory Blanket
February 2012
March 2, 2013

Colour Theory Blanket

Project info
Squaring the Big Circle by Kate Jenks
Afghan block
Hopefully Ginormous
Hooks & yarn
4.5 mm
All my leftover DK

Doing 3 squares for each colour group, starting and terminating with a diff. colour every time.

24 July - I was making a square last night out of orange and two shades of blue, and I thought to myself ‘self, this seems awfully familiar.’ I didn’t finish it anyway because the orange was too thick which is good because I hauled them all out this morning and I had indeed done a blue-blue-orange.

I decided to take pics of them all so I don’t start relying on the same colour schemes. This whole endeavour was supposed to make me use different colour combos than normal, since all I can make it with is scrap yarn, but I keep gravitating towards the same sets of colours. At least if I put pics of them here I will know what I have and haven’t done. Also it will be helpful to have pics of everything for rav challenges and stuff.

13 August - Omg I just counted all the squares I have, and I only need 18 more to get to 90! I could be done, like, this week. Not actually, though, because I haven’t edged them all in black, plus seaming them will be a huge schlep, plus I measured them all the other day when I was reorganising my knitting cupboard and ran into a bit of a whoopsy. Turns out that not only has my tension varied quite a lot, since I started these just after I learned to crochet, but also that apparently not all DK is created equal. Bah. Humbug. I will have to decide whether to add more rounds to them and have a mad random blanket, or do some extra ones to compensate. Oh well…I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it, I guess.

22 August - Just finished block number 90! I still have to weave in ends and do black edging for 6 blocks, but that shouldn’t take long at all. Will do it while I am baking cookies at Panda’s house. Also, I have come to the bridge of disparate tension, so I guess I’d better measure them all and go from there. Squeee!

Later that day…

Finished edging and everything, and took some pics in the garden. Managed to pile them all in one pile with a much-needed beer for scale…wowzers. I feel quite pleased with myself :)

Even later…

This has been a great day off. As well as getting all of this done, I also washed all the combined socks, and baked some of Panda’s amazing cookies. The downside to this is that I now feel a bit sick from eating approximately 1000000 cookies, but the upside is that I measured all of my squares while waiting for the cookies to be done, so at least I know what I’m up against.

18cm: 6
19cm: 18
20cm: 30
21cm: 36

Going to start by adding another round of black to one of the 18cm ones and seeing how much bigger that makes it; hopefully a round will = 1cm, which will solve all my problems spectacularly. That should be finished in no time, and then…seaming this weekend, hopefully! Must remember to get more black yarn.

Oh, and also considering that this was far from being anything like a scrap quilt and has probably led me to double my stash of acrylic Dk instead of thinning it out, I am changing the name from a scrap quilt to…irunno…a ‘coloursplosion quilt’, or something.

26 December - Yes. Well. This has been hibernating in the back of a cupboard since I wrote that last entry. For a long time, my status message was this quote from Knitty:

’You work four identical triangles, and then you sew the triangles together into a square. And then you sew the squares together to make the counterpane. And then you never finish the counterpane, and the counterpane sits in a bag in the bottom of the stash cupboard, and every time you open the cupboard you feel guilty and slightly sick.’

The gauge thing put me off a lot, plus the sneaking suspicion that I really should have done all the circles multicolour but the square-part all the same. But whatever…I am going to sew it up anyway because having a blanket, any blanket, is better than having a big box full of squares.

29 Dec - Finished sewing all the squares together at last! Praise be to Star Trek and The Sopranos for getting me through it. Used whip-stitch to sew the blocks together, and it took me about an hour to make each strip and then another hour to join 2 of the strips together, so that is at least 17 hours of sewing in 4 days. Wove in a lot of ends as I was going, but I still have quite a few to do now. Then I want to add an edging, so I am not marking this project as complete quite yet. But it is close…damn close :D

26 Feb 2013 - The border is done! Just have to finish weaving in ends (which I will save for the weekend, so I can submit it to detention for GLORIOUS POINTS :P) and then I will give it to the wam to take to Durban when he goes, even though it is eleventy billion degrees in Durban.

02 March - WOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!

viewed 383 times | helped 2 people
February 2012
March 2, 2013
About this pattern
665 projects, in 810 queues
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  • Project created: February 27, 2012
  • Finished: March 2, 2013
  • Updated: June 25, 2015
  • Progress updates: 3 updates