Prairie Drift
March 22, 2014
March 29, 2014

Prairie Drift

Project info
Drift by tincanknits
Neck / TorsoShawl / Wrap
BlanketBaby Blanket
Needles & yarn
US 9 - 5.5 mm
Thirteen Mile Lamb and Wool Co. Worsted
165 yards in stash
2.25 skeins = 495.0 yards (452.6 meters), 225 grams
Wild Purls in Billings, Montana

I quite enjoy this. Big, chunky cables that are only patterned on the right side? Given all of the cabling I’ve done of late that has been patterned on both sides, I keep feeling like this has got to be some kind of trap-- like I’ll get to the end and realized a missed a whole chart somewhere…

But it does look nice.

As with many of the folks who have knit this, despite getting gauge, this shawl is much too small. I blocked it as aggressively as I dared while still keeping it symmetrical-looking, but it’s just not wide enough.

viewed 150 times | helped 2 people
March 22, 2014
March 29, 2014
About this pattern
104 projects, in 545 queues
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About this yarn
by Thirteen Mile Lamb and Wool Co.
100% Wool
225 yards / 100 grams

291 projects

stashed 288 times

castabout's star rating
  • Project created: March 23, 2014
  • Finished: April 5, 2014
  • Updated: April 17, 2014