This was what I was going for: Mitey!
So Mr. About is playing the video game Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch and I adore watching it. It’s awesome beyond reason and part of the reason for this level of awesome is your first familiar, a little Mite. Which we named Mitey. And he’s the best thing ever. So I looked for a pattern and couldn’t find anything!
So I cracked open a few of my books, found that the shapes I needed (more or less) were in Rebecca Danger’s Book of Monsters. So thank you for the reference, Ms. Danger!
I found after I was done that there was a pattern for little chicken feet in that same book-- I didn’t use them, rather I just improvised it.
So the hair is a modified leaf pattern that I then felted. The eyes are felt from the craft store, sewn on. The mouth is a piece of yarn that I sewed into place. I winged the pattern for his little overalls and his kerchief is a little piece of knit jersey fabric from Joann’s. His horns were, likewise, just made up as I went.
I am yet to make his little sword and shield, though I did pick up the felt to do so. Will post more pictures when they’re finished!