May 17 - began the swatch!
May 19 - minor incident with the swatch. I started the lace section only to find out I was creating a new stitch on every row… turns out I was doing the double decrease wrongly!
Resulta of gauge swatch:
22 stitches of stockinette and c. 20 stitches of lace section. Close enough!
May 20 - cast on and knit first three rows!
May 31 - I knit about 4 inches and wish I had a trip so I could be happier about just doing some straight knitting. Starting to get a bit bored so I cast on a new lace shawl so i can take turns…
I took a break to finish a linen shawl and resumed on July 1
July 3 - My waterlily is still only 7” long. I find it so hard to just do stst…
(I got bored and my waterlilly was put away fir most of fall and winter)
April 7 - did the Latvian braid for the front and finally got back to this project
I got stuck on the front panel and I’m not sure how to proceed since the lace chart has to be adapted to the V neck. Placed in hibernation for now. Stored in yellow MEC bag with chiaogoo cable but no needles.
May 16, 2019
After looking closely at this WIP again, decided to frog and use the yarn for something else. Not only was I completely stuck on the front lace chart but also the stitches on the body were loose and uneven as I knit most of it in the early days of learning to knit.