2018 temperature blanket
January 2, 2018
January 4, 2019

2018 temperature blanket

Project info
Hooks & yarn
4.0 mm (G)
2,673 yards = 9 skeins
Stylecraft Special Double Knit
1 skein = 321.5 yards (294.0 meters), 100 grams
Stylecraft Special Double Knit
1 skein = 294.0 yards (268.8 meters), 100 grams
Stylecraft Special Double Knit
1 skein = 294.0 yards (268.8 meters), 100 grams
Stylecraft Special Double Knit
1 skein = 294.0 yards (268.8 meters), 100 grams
Stylecraft Special Double Knit
1 skein = 294.0 yards (268.8 meters), 100 grams
Stylecraft Special Double Knit
1 skein = 294.0 yards (268.8 meters), 100 grams
Stylecraft Special Double Knit
1 skein = 294.0 yards (268.8 meters), 100 grams
Stylecraft Special Double Knit
1 skein = 294.0 yards (268.8 meters), 100 grams
Stylecraft Special Double Knit
1 skein = 294.0 yards (268.8 meters), 100 grams

I get asked a lot of questions about this project so to try and help people I’ll give a quick overview of the project.

The finished size is roughly 43inches by 38inches including the border which is approx 1 inch wide

I used this edging for my blanket using every shade in the blanket, but it really does need a loose gauge so use a much bigger hook, I did and it still curled up, just be warned!

The blanket has 378 squares, 365/6 days, 12mth markers and when not a leap year, one last square to finish the row

It is laid out in 18 squares per row, and will have 21 rows when finished

I didn’t use a pattern, it is a basic two round granny square (uk terms), make a magic loop, chain 2, 2dc, chain 2, *3dc, chain 2 repeat * until you have 4 groups of 3dcs (including the one with the starting chain) slip stitch to starting chain fasten off and change colour, In a chain two space, make a chain 2 and 2dc, chain 1, *3dc in the chain 2 space, chain 2 3dc in the same space, repeat * round until you reach the last corner 3dc in to the chain 2 space, and slip stitch to the starting chain, and fasten off.

if the day didn’t change colour, instead of starting the second round with a chain 2 2dc, I just did a chain 3 (a dc plus the chain 1) and carried on the round as normal and making a 3dc chain 2, 2dc in the last corner and slip stitched to the 2nd chain of the starting chain.

I joined on new squares as I went with slip stitches in place of the chains on the second round, I joined to the top and left square as I went along, replacing a chain 1 with a slip stitch as needed in to the chain spaces of the other squares (see close up pictures if you need more help)

If you have any more questions please just ask and I’ll try and help if I can!

I tried to resist, but I couldn’t, I nearly started one last year but the thought of having to remember to do a line once a day, the fear of missing noting down the temp, I bottled it. But this time I looked at it more seriously, how best to construct the blanket, so it looks nicely proportioned and I came across doing two row granny squares, then realised it would be ideal to do a high/low temp, low in the middle, high round the outside, and found other peoples blankets who had done the same and they hadn’t ended up with massive blankets, but some thing more practical and it looked lovely.
So, I found a website that would give me temps for the last two weeks https://www.timeanddate.com, so I wouldn’t have to commit myself to it every day if I don’t want to, I could do 7 squares one day a week, and that feels more manageable.
Here we go then! I have 8 colours, and realistic temperature values for my area.

Less than 0C -Plum
0-3C -Aster
4-7C -Cloud Blue
8-11C -Sage
12-15C -Lime
16-19C -Sunshine
20-23C -Spice
24-27C -Lipstick

We do on occasion get in to minus figures but little point in having more than one colour for that value and I can not remember the last time we got any temp topping 27 degrees, but in the unlikely event that does happen, I will find another colour, maybe a darker red or even pink. But I am not holding my breath.

I’m using silver squares to show change of months, and I plan on marking birthdays etc with beads, thought it would be a nice touch! Each row will be 18 squares wide, and the whole blanket will be 21 rows long, I’ll have to add one additional silver square to the end of my last row to make it all even!

Lets see if I can make this work!


In the unlikely event we get temps above 27c I have added pomegranate to my list, you never know!


So January is over and I have used the first 5 colours of my sequence already, I didn’t expect to be using lime so soon but I guess it shows how warm January can be. We are apparently going to have a cold snap this week so I expect the lime won’t come back out for a little while. I am actually enjoying this, I don’t do it every day, I just do 7 in one go and it feels less.. urgent this way, its good!


February done, and some thing I didn’t expect to see was some entirely purple squares, two days when the temps didn’t get above freezing all day which is very rare! Settled in to my once a week rhythm now, its good looking back over the week and seeing how it went. Never paid this much attention to temperatures before!


Pomegranate enabled! Didn’t really expect to have to use my 28c+ colour as it is very rare temps hit that high in our area, but to my surprise I have used it more than once! From days that didn’t get above freezing all day to 28c+ in Summer, its been a good year to record so far! Blanket is now half done.


Keeping up just about! Not started September yet but the squares work up so quickly I can have a month done in just a couple of sessions, less if I pay attention!
I nearly made a mistake, well I did make a mistake but caught it before it was too late, I managed to insert an extra day in to August, but luckily I counted back to make sure every thing was ok and realised I had 32 days, followed my temp chart and it was clear I had made the 16th twice, prob got distracted by Star Trek.. But easy enough to rip out two edges of a square and preserve the rest so I could take out the rogue, could have been worse.
But I also discovered I couldn’t be relied on to remember my “cheat sheet” picture was wrong (as I had sunshine and spice the wrong way round) and had used spice instead of sunshine on some squares, not a massive deal but seen as I was ripping back any way, I made sure to correct them. Ignorance is going to be bliss for any others I’ve done that to! Updated my cheat sheet picture, so won’t do it again (if indeed temps do go that high now, its def chilling off after our hot summer!)


And we are done! Well I say done, still 11 million ends to weave in, but its done as far as making is concerned. The edging is going to need a little steam blocking to sit flat, I did the slip stream edging from attic24’s woodland walk blanket and even tho I used much larger hooks, its still curling, but it should be fine, fingers crossed!
So what did I learn last year? Well our average temps range from 8c to 15c as thats the yarn I used the most of, I ran out of sage and lime, and even ran out of my spare bit of sage yarn from another project. 4-6c was a close second too. Also never underestimate the weather, I never thought I’d need a colour to go about 27c but then we had a heatwave! Two minus days got me too. Really glad I marked out birthdays and special days as its nice to say oh yes that was so and so, nice memories :)
I may do another in the future, but with a different twist, say highest day time/night time temps, as some times the highest temps come in over night and would be interesting to reflect that in some way. We will see! Off to darn in some ends..


Been asked a few times how big my blanket turned out, with the border it is 43inches long by 38inches wide, and the border is an inch wide. Not massive, but certainly more manageable than some temp blankets turn out to be!
And no, 12mth later I still haven’t woven in my 11billion ends…

viewed 2439 times | helped 10 people
January 2, 2018
January 4, 2019
About this pattern
Personal pattern (not in Ravelry)
About this yarn
by Stylecraft
100% Acrylic
322 yards / 100 grams

78659 projects

stashed 58657 times

cheekyimp's star rating
  • Project created: January 2, 2018
  • Finished: January 7, 2019
  • Updated: March 11, 2020
  • Progress updates: 4 updates