KEME Flat Cap #1
October 17, 2015
November 1, 2015

KEME Flat Cap #1

Project info
Flat Cap by Marjorie Chapin and Lois McCarthy
European Textiles Forum
One size
Needles & yarn
US 3 - 3.25 mm
Maavillane 8/2
in stash

European Textiles Forum initial test knitting project.

Used the single cast on, kfb to increase, ssk to decrease, and knitted cast off. The pattern did not specify which ones to use.

First sitting: 105 minutes. 15 sts x 8.
First day total: 228 minutes. 23 sts x 8.
Second day total: 260 minutes. 33 sts x 8.
Finished increases, begun decreases.
Third day total: 208 minutes. 31 sts x 8.
Fourth day total: 67 minutes. 29 sts x 8.
Fifth day total: 210 minutes. 24 sts x 8.
Sixth day total: 661 minutes. Knitting done.
Seventh day: 30 minutes. Sewn up and washed.

Time spent total: 1664 minutes.

Weight: 129 grams.
Fulled: no.
Dyed: no.

viewed 85 times | helped 1 person
October 17, 2015
November 1, 2015
About this pattern
9 projects, in 6 queues
citikas' overall rating
citikas' clarity rating
citikas' difficulty rating
  • Project created: October 17, 2015
  • Finished: November 1, 2015
  • Updated: November 23, 2015
  • Progress updates: 4 updates