Tunisian Wingspan
October 28, 2017
December 11, 2017

Tunisian Wingspan

Project info
Tunisian Wingspan by Amy Depew
Neck / TorsoShawl / Wrap
Hooks & yarn
5.5 mm (I)
1.75 skeins
Baa Ram Ewe Titus
1 skein = 350.0 yards (320.0 meters), 100 grams
Baa Ram Ewe Titus
0.75 skeins = 75 grams

Using Tunisian simple stitch as I really like the effect that it makes. Started with 80 ch so slightly deeper.


First section is combined Eccup and Endeavour, changing before return row. Really effective mix of the two colours, just hoping the row ends aren’t too messy with the change of colours.


Second section is just Endeavour.


Really enjoyed making this. Only did 7 sections, and now wish I’d done 8 as it’s maybe not quite wide enough.
Sections done as follows:

  1. Mixed colours
  2. Endeavour
  3. Mixed
  4. Eccup
  5. Mixed
  6. Endeavour
  7. Mixed

Then Endeavour to finish off around the neck area.

Mixed sections have effective stripes on the reverse. Lovely soft end result.


Have decided it isn’t long enough to wear easily. As it is asymmetric anyway, it doesn’t seem to matter that there is a blue band before the last two segments, so have just left the neck edging there and carried on.
So section 8 is Eccup
section 9 is mixed.
Is much better to wear now.

viewed 24 times
October 28, 2017
December 11, 2017
About this pattern
238 projects, in 472 queues
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About this yarn
by Baa Ram Ewe
50% Wensleydale, 30% Alpaca, 20% Bluefaced Leicester
350 yards / 100 grams

4472 projects

stashed 6311 times

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  • Project created: October 29, 2017
  • Finished: November 25, 2017
  • Updated: January 1, 2018