Red Phryne Tunic
August 1, 2014
August 18, 2014

Red Phryne Tunic

Project info
#03 Drape Neck Top by Jacqueline van Dillen
Needles & yarn
US 7 - 4.5 mm
Cascade Yarns ® Sierra
4 skeins = 764.0 yards (698.6 meters), 400 grams
WEBS - America's Yarn Store in Northampton, Massachusetts

I Loved the shape and front panel, and Sierra is one of my all time favorite yarns, so I had to make this. The drape neck actually seemed more like an awkward after thought than a true choice, so I decided to modify it to reflect a collar style I spotted watching “Miss Fisher” on TV. I went around the whole neck twice in garter but purling across the center 25 sts., then bound those off on the third row purl-wise, then completed the remaining sts. in garter to the 10 rows total on the edge and sleeves. I love the neck shape now. All in all I was pretty happy with it. I might have made it a smidge bigger at the bust had I recognized the armcye shape was so shallow ( I would have added a little 4-5 st. flat section to the base), but it still fits well enough to make me happy.

viewed 5 times
August 1, 2014
August 18, 2014
About this pattern
241 projects, in 334 queues
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About this yarn
by Cascade Yarns ®
80% Cotton, 20% Merino
191 yards / 100 grams

7402 projects

stashed 5744 times

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  • Originally queued: April 4, 2011
  • Project created: August 18, 2014
  • Updated: August 18, 2014