Flower Bookmark Bracelet & Earring Set
July 31, 2019
February 20, 2020

Flower Bookmark Bracelet & Earring Set

Project info
Hooks & yarn
Handy Hands Lizbeth Size 20
Handy Hands Lizbeth Size 20

Pattern by Rachael Mohler

The repeat section between the asterisks, should not have a rw on the last ring, as it starts the repeat over with a ring. You only need the reverse work when you are done repeating and move onto the next chain after the asterisks. So, in order to not mess up, the sequence is 2 rings together with no chain between, chain, 1 ring, chain and 2 rings together with no chain between, etc. On the second half of the pattern, the first and last ring of the 3 will join to the first strip of flower rings. The pattern says to make a picot on the first flower, when it should say to JOIN to the upper picot. I’ll try to re-write the lines and put in my notes.
OK, I can’t use the asterisk or the tic tac toe grid thing or the site will think it is a command to do something, like bold or italics. But the line that starts with that grid, also used in front of a number, looks like this:
WRONG: (grid) r 6ds, vsp, 2ds, vsp, 6ds, cl rw
RIGHT: (grid) r 6ds, + to picot in ring on on the finished side of the bookmark, 2ds, vsp, 6ds, cl, rw

I would have preferred to not end with a split chain, so I would need to start with a ring if I make again. If I did make the pattern the same, leave both threads length, do not hide the ends, because they would become a tassel in the bookmark version.

The last ring at the bottom of the instructions, stops after the join to the picot to finish the flower. It should go on to do 6ds, then close ring, then return to the instructions for a ring, with no chain between them.

So I had a cardiac stress test yesterday (read 4 hour wait around) and prepared by taking several projects with me. I STARTED to take the flower bookmark I was already working on, but as I picked it up and looked at the shuttle, I knew I didn’t want to take my shuttle out, incase someone stole my purse! So, I got some of my vintage thread and old metal shuttle and took it instead! Here’s the photo and update on both versions… the black shuttle project left at home, the metal tiny project, went instead. Thread is size 70 vintage threads in: J & P Coats #49 (a lime green) and Star #155 a white, pink and green variegated.

EARRINGS: I made 8 petals instead of 6 for the earrings, because I remember the full flower at the end of the bookmark warping, being too tight. When I attached the last chain to the beginning ring, I used the chain thread to make a ring of 10 ds for the earring jumper ring. Leave at least 12” on the chain thread to wrap around your hand to make the ring, and finger tat with. I had made the one earring earlier, but never got around to making the other one. I’m trying to go back and finish up things I left hanging, so made the other one June 10, 2020, now have the set :)slightly_smiling_face

viewed 50 times
July 31, 2019
February 20, 2020
About this pattern
Personal pattern (not in Ravelry)
About this yarn
by Handy Hands
Thread, size 20
100% Egyptian
210 yards / 25 grams

1400 projects

stashed 1248 times

cozyhomelife's star rating
  • Project created: August 1, 2019
  • Finished: February 20, 2020
  • Updated: June 13, 2020
  • Progress updates: 2 updates