striped pants
February 27, 2011
March 5, 2011

striped pants

Project info
the depths of my head
to fit a long 1 year old
Needles & yarn

I want a pair of wool pants for leftie to wear over her jammies on these cold new england nights. Stash busting here I come!

The front of the pants sort of bunch up in the crotch area. I’m too tired to try and go back and figure out how to fix it. I’m going to wash these and call them done. I think they will still keep my baby warm despite the bunchiness.

Quite possibly the world’s worst photos! My model is not terribly cooperative…

In the end the bunching wasn’t an issue anymore. My husband dressed leftie in the pants and put them on backwards. I started to object but then noticed that they fit better that way. I think the seam and increase stitches look a little odd in the front but at least there is no bunchiness and the pants stay up.

Here the pants are pretty pilly. I threw them in the wash with a load of delicates and the pills all disappeared and the pants looked great. They have kept leftie warm during the last cold days of the season. If it were to stay cold longer I would have knit her up another pair in the same way. Success!

viewed 20 times
February 27, 2011
March 5, 2011
About this pattern
Personal pattern (not in Ravelry)
  • Project created: March 1, 2011
  • Finished: March 10, 2011
  • Updated: April 15, 2011
  • Progress updates: 3 updates