Baby Kimono Shoes in Purple
In progress
October 8, 2016
December 4, 2016

Baby Kimono Shoes in Purple

Project info
Baby Kimono Slippers by Caroline Brooke
Feet / LegsBooties
Hooks & yarn


Finally! After weeks of trying to get the shape correct, I’ve finally produced a design that I’m happy with! I wanted these to be super quick and easy to make, and they are, except for the slip stitch crochet, which does take a bit of time to do. But it’s such fun choosing the colors, it’s worth every minute.
I used Drops Nepal, which is gorgeous, and such great value - you can make a pair of these in the small or medium size for just a couple of dollars, and that’s surely a bargain! The result is lovely, thick and cozy slippers that must be so great to wear, I wish I had a pair myself.
So - on to the children’s sizes next - it make take a bit of time to work out but I’m determined to try. And then the adults sizes - the incentive is that I get to keep the finished sample pair!

viewed 193 times | helped 2 people
In progress
October 8, 2016
December 4, 2016
About this pattern
38 projects, in 85 queues
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  • Project created: December 13, 2016
  • Updated: December 14, 2016