Bridal Shawl
January 28, 2019
February 22, 2019

Bridal Shawl

Project info
Wedding Capelet by Nicky Epstein
Neck / TorsoCape
Etsy Shop:TaylorMorrisDesign
Hooks & yarn
4.0 mm (G)
676 yards = 2.75 skeins
Lion Brand ZZ Twist
2.5 skeins = 615.0 yards (562.4 meters), 250 grams
Lion Brand ZZ Twist
0.25 skeins = 61.5 yards (56.2 meters), 25 grams

Bride to Be: find this here!

I love the yarn I used (first project with it) The repeat pattern goes quickly by the time you start your second motif.

I would have preferred to join motifs as I worked, but it’s a lot harder than you think. I would suggest joining the bottom row (In the diagram) as you go, if you can figure that out by looking at the diagram. Then I would lay it out on the table with pins. This is definitely the most time consuming part.

Each full motif~100’ of yarn. I used just under 2 skeins for all the motifs & the rest was edging. The first time I did the edging it made a big ruffle, too big & didn’t notice until the 3rd round. I pulled it & I found it was best to lay it out on the table to crochet around. It is tricky to keep the same amount of stitches & curve on both sides. I would say that part is not for a first timer. I did 1 round of sc’s, then 2 rows of Hdcs.

There is also no indication in the pattern how to address the buttons. It does not lay perfectly to attach buttons without having a big lump in the front. I went with a hook & eye & found buttons in Joanns Fabric Store similar to the pattern.

Width of neck: 20”
Top to bottom 9”
Shoulder to shoulder 19” wide
Bottom width (approx) 30”

viewed 61 times
January 28, 2019
February 22, 2019
About this pattern
21 projects, in 143 queues
cristina00's overall rating
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cristina00's difficulty rating
About this yarn
by Lion Brand
100% Acrylic
246 yards / 100 grams

902 projects

stashed 969 times

cristina00's star rating
cristina00's adjectives for this yarn
  1. Anti-Pilling
  2. Smooth
  3. Vibrant
  • Project created: January 27, 2019
  • Updated: May 22, 2020
  • Progress updates: 4 updates