4mm crochet hook
Darning needle
DK cotton yarn
sc single crochet
hdc half double crochet
dc double crochet
htr half triple crochet
tr triple crochet
sl st slip stitch
ch chain
st(s) stitch(es)
sp space
cl cluster
beg beginning
rep repeat
yo yarn over
Special Stitches:
Beg Tr Cl: 3 ch, yarn around the hook twice, insert hook into same st as beg 3 ch, yo, and draw yarn through to the front of the work, yo, and draw the yarn through 2 loops on the hook twice, (2 loops remaining on hook),
yarn around the hook twice, insert hook into same st, yo, and draw yarn through to the front of the work, yo, and draw the yarn through 2 loops on the hook twice, (3 loops remaining on hook),
yo, and draw through all remaining loops on hook.
Tr Cl: yarn around the hook twice, insert hook into dc st from the round below, yo, and draw yarn through to the front of the work, yo, and draw the yarn through 2 loops on the hook twice, (2 loops remaining on hook),
yarn around the hook twice, insert hook into same st, yo, and draw yarn through to the front of the work, yo, and draw the yarn through 2 loops on the hook twice, (3 loops remaining on hook),
yarn around the hook twice, insert hook into same st, yo, and draw yarn through to the front of the work, yo, and draw the yarn through 2 loops on the hook twice, (4 loops remaining on hook),
yo, and draw through all remaining loops on hook.
Half Tr: yarn around the hook twice, insert hook into specified st or sp, yo, and draw yarn through to the front of the work, yo, and draw the yarn through 2 loops on the hook, yo, and draw the yarn through remaining 3 loops on hook.