May 25, 2012
August 18, 2012


Project info
Tools and equipment

I have a unique opportunity to weave 2,000 bookmarks! I am choosing various colors of blues, browns, greens, oranges, and yellows. So far, I have the first 100 done!

June 18 Update: They loved their first 100 bookmarks and wish to make NO changes! Yay! But here are a few changes I am going to make:

  • Go through the pattern and pick out the few that didn’t look quite right.
  • Use garbage yarn between each one to cut out later. It will hold the place of all the edge yarns while working on sewing them together. It will help buy some time!
  • Consider 4-shaft patterns???? It would help reduce the floats and make it possible to have more pattern repeats in 1” across.

See my weaving movie here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YvYIpTZS_9o&feature=youtube_gdata

June 26: I tried a new tie-up for my treadles! It makes life a little more interesting to switch things up a bit, especially when you have 2000 to weave! The new tie-up makes a slightly flatter cloth for the bookmarks. I think I still like the original tie-up best, so far!

June 30: Onto tie-up #4! I added some pics of tie-up #3 also. I went though all the tie-ups I know and made a list and then crossed out any repeats. Also, I included my notes for the threadings and treadlings I have been doing so far.

July 3: I made another little movie featuring my bookmarks! It’s 15 seconds and found here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfbVFbQXuOk&feature=youtube_gdata
I should probably put the clip into my other movie sometime.

July 4: finished weaving the first 1000 bookmarks! Now the edge sewing begins… 4 edges x 1000 bookmarks = 4000 edges… ayi yi yi…

July 10: finished sewing 500 bookmarks. Only 500 more to go… then I get to weave again!

July 13: 980 bookmarks are now complete! If you add the 100 they already received in June, I am over half way! Only 920 more to go!

July 14: Began warping (a week early!) for second set of bookmarks!

August 14: Finished weaving all 2000 bookmarks! I have about 240 to sew, and then I can send them off!

August 18: DONE!

viewed 818 times
May 25, 2012
August 18, 2012
  • Project created: May 26, 2012
  • Finished: August 18, 2012
  • Updated: June 27, 2014
  • Progress updates: 12 updates