Colorful Crackle
December 23, 2012
January 2, 2013

Colorful Crackle

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My crackle sample is coming to life!!

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The whole thing will be in crackle weave, and it will all be made of 12/2 unmercerized cotton sett at 24 epi. I have 2 threads per dent in a #12 reed. It’s a 5 yard warp, and each color repeat will have 21 threads. I have 504 threads total, or 84 of each color. There are 4 color repeats. It doesn’t start with red and end with purple, but it is in rainbow order.

For the weft, I plan on rotating through 3 different colors at a time, and dropping one at the end of the rotation. So, for example, the first one would be red, orange, yellow, and at the end I would drop the red and move orange and yellow up a slot each and then weave with green.

See the “Crackle Sample” in my projects for a sample of other things I can do with this warp!

Jan 2: Finished the crackle warp a few days ago, but I finally completely finished it! It became 3 hand towels and 1 baby blanket! I cut the warp into 2 halves, and one half was cut into thirds for 3 hand towels. The other half was cut into 2 halves for a blanket. I sewed them right up the center with my sewing machine, not too glamorous but it will definitely be a strong seam.

viewed 2573 times | helped 10 people
December 23, 2012
January 2, 2013
  • Project created: December 24, 2012
  • Updated: January 2, 2013
  • Progress updates: 8 updates