cyndiepooh >
notebook > projects > ribbed booties
ribbed booties

i think this is it

comfy - this is a good length

stopped four rows above the last fbdc2tog

worked one boot toe first and the other heel first to keep the beginning of the rows mirrored for the two feet

closeup of front shaping

how i worked fpdc on fpdc2tog stitches

used the top color for the middle row of the sole - very helpful

one done and shaping the second

close but need to work on odd number of stitches along each side

tried doing the base row of plain dc in the sole color but thought it looked odd on the top

frankenyarn #2 XD

not really a pair, but i will wear

inside of frankenyarn. did not trust instructions that tails could be cut off after knotting and left the m on - plus seemed like a lot of work to cut them off XD

frankenyarn magic knot does not make an irritating bump like the last time i tried to tie scraps together for this double sided crochet stitch

frankenyarn slipper makes me happy

tried to do extra stitches on the inside to draw these up

LOL first effort came out looking like booties that go over shoes. used up scrap yarn so will play with until they have to be tossed

used repeating sc in the post, ch 1 stitch to spiral around and line this pair that was a bit big. Second pair is inside out to show stitching.

decided to add a bit of the lining stitch to the heel for stability and gripping. will add this step to the pattern. worked on the inside.
photos above
ribbed booties
viewed 5 times
December 18, 2017
December 19, 2017
About this pattern
Personal pattern (not in Ravelry)
- Project created: December 19, 2017
- Finished: December 19, 2017
- Updated: December 21, 2017