summer weight booties
February 9, 2018
February 9, 2018

summer weight booties

Project info
Hooks & yarn

Used most of the rest of the frogged mill ends yarn.

Did a little differently since they were solid. Still worked 23 rounds of double sided stitch with G hook, 11 sc each side. Without the contrasting center stripe, just worked from a corner to start uppers. Did ch1, turn to continue instead of cutting. Still worked foundation round of 1sc, 9dc, 1sc along short edges and 21 dc into each long edge. Still just spiraled around instead of joining rows. Still worked alternating front and back posts, beginning with front post along short edge, skipping sc stitches on foundation. On second round of rib, worked 9 across back then 11 stitches along side in rib, then worked only the front posts skipping the back posts for five stitches along the side, five across the toe, and five across the other side. 15 fpdc with no bpdc between them in total, then resume rib with bpdc. On next round, worked the two slippers differently. On one pair, when I got to the skip section, I worked one fpdc then worked 7fpdc2tog back to the next bpdc, where I picked up the rib again. On the other slipper, I worked the 7fpdc2tog from the first of the 15 skip stitches, and worked the 15th one as a regular fpdc. Think this touch of shaping is worth it IF I remember and no big deal if I don’t. Proceeded as on other slippers and don’t feel like writing that all up again XD

Almost left without lining for summer, but decided to add the layer for grip. Good decision.

viewed 1 time
February 9, 2018
February 9, 2018
About this pattern
Personal pattern (not in Ravelry)
  • Project created: February 25, 2018
  • Updated: February 25, 2018