Hawaiian Summer
June 16, 2015
July 31, 2015

Hawaiian Summer

Project info
Vianne by Andi Satterlund
Needles & yarn
US 8 - 5.0 mm
Schewe Baumwolle Classic

This is my Outfit-Along 2015 project.

Originally the plan was to sew the neckholder dress from the fabric with the flowers, but then Berlin went into autumn mode after three days of summer.
So my motivation for sewing a summer dress went to zero.

So I decided to sew a Dahlia instead.

Even though a lot of people seemed to have a lot of problems with the neckline, mine was mostly okay. It gaped a bit at the neckline, but I solved that by taking out about 2cm from the neckline of the back piece. One the one hand there’s no more gaping, on the other hand, the raglan lines now look a bit off. If I ever sew it again, I’ll probably take the 2cms off the back edge of the sleeve instead.

The cardigan was a quick knit :-)
I used the “stockinette back” mod Andi mentioned on her blog:

I think it’s best to take ownership of your modification and do the math yourself, but if you’d like to check your work, to knit a plain back you should cast on approximately 61 (65, 71, 77, 79, 81, 81) stitches.

viewed 163 times | helped 2 people
June 16, 2015
July 31, 2015
About this pattern
375 projects, in 590 queues
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About this yarn
by Schewe
100% Cotton
137 yards / 50 grams

654 projects

stashed 334 times

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  • Project created: June 5, 2015
  • Updated: July 31, 2015