Tumble Socks
September 17, 2013
September 19, 2013

Tumble Socks

Project info
Super-Bulky Toe-Up Socks for Magic Loop by Liat Gat
Feet / LegsSocksAnkle
One size
Needles & yarn
US 13 - 9.0 mm
Rowan Tumble
1 skein = 77.0 yards (70.4 meters), 100 grams

Blogged here!

21Sept2013: Had some fun making an entire pair of socks out of 1 ball of Rowan Tumble… only 77 yards!

This pattern is great for the task. I think that the heel turn is off in the first p row after turning, because each time I got to it, the count was off and I had to go one extra.

I’m too lazy to figure out whether that is true or not, lol.

I separated the ball into two by weight before starting, but one sock ended up significantly longer than the other! I don’t care, these are going to be some amazing bed socks for my cold feet in the winter.

Love this yarn for it’s warmth and utter weirdness. It’s like knitting with a felted alpaca rope!! I think the price is prohibitive, though.

Each sock took about 2.5 hours.

viewed 158 times | helped 1 person
September 17, 2013
September 19, 2013
About this pattern
404 projects, in 509 queues
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About this yarn
by Rowan
Super Bulky
90% Alpaca, 10% Cotton
77 yards / 100 grams

414 projects

stashed 357 times

ddd5's star rating
  • Project created: September 21, 2013
  • Updated: September 21, 2013