Handspun Cowl
October 31, 2010
November 3, 2010

Handspun Cowl

Project info
Scrunchable Cowl by Rosi Garmendia
Neck / TorsoCowl
Needles & yarn
US 7 - 4.5 mm
US 5 - 3.75 mm
Frabjous Fibers BFL Top
Threadbender Yarn Shop in Grandville, Michigan
September 2, 2010

I did lots of modifications to this pattern to achieve the perfect tapered fit up the neck as I envisioned it fitting. This did require a lot of ripping back and reknitting - more than I’ve had to do than any other project. The end result was well worth the extra work, especially for my handspun yarn!

things that didn’t work (for me)

  • The pattern as written has a very open top end to the cowl. I wanted a more snug fit around the neck and chin
  • The garter stitch edging on the top edge using the same needle as the body causes it to flare outwards which was not aesthetically pleasing to me.

I am using a cable needle for this project because maneuvering the 12-14 stitch cables would be hard without one.

lower edging
I used the modifications that kcc138 used on her ducati cowl because I’m not a huge fan of the garter stitch edging that I saw in other project pictures. Instead I used the purl bump ridge she described on her project:

(Do 2 repeats for a total of 8 rows)

  • Rows 1, 2, & 4: knit
  • Row 3: k1, p1 around -- end k1

cowl body
Then I worked rows 1-12 one time with the 14 stitch cable. (for a wide base to the cowl)

first decrease
On row 13, I decreased each section by 3 stitches to have a snugger fit up the neck with 12 stitch cables instead. I worked across the row as follows:

  • P2, Slip 7 stitches on cable needle and hold in back, K2TOG, K5, Place stitches from cable needle back on left hand needle, K2TOG, K4, K2TOG, K6. Repeat to end of round.

Total stitch count should be 140 now. (Making the sizing in-between the Large and Small sizes)

Continued to row 24 and repeated rows 1-12 again. Worked a standard cable round 13 (now a 12 stitch cable)

second decrease
Immediately after the 4th cable round, I decreased another 21 stitches.

  • P2, K2TOG, K8, SSK, K4, K2TOG, repeat to end of round.

Total stitch count should now be 119 stitches (Making the sizing smaller than the Small size)
Continued the next 10 rounds in P2, K15.

Work cable round 13 with a 10 stitch cable.

third decrease
Switched to Size 5 needle for top edging to narrow the neck even more.

top edging
I had tried using the purl bump edging on the top but it rolled down too easily which showed the inside of the cowl which I did not like. Instead, I used the garter stitch edging as outlined in the pattern.

  • Rows 1, 3, 5, 7 - Purl
  • Rows 2, 4, 6, 8 - Knit

Cast off as described in pattern:
* (K2TBL, place stitch back on left hand needle) repeat to end.

viewed 61 times | helped 6 people
October 31, 2010
November 3, 2010
About this pattern
from Rosi G.
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About this yarn
by Wonderland Yarns & Frabjous Fibers
100% Bluefaced Leicester
114 grams

143 projects

stashed 232 times

debbilynn42's star rating
  • Project created: October 31, 2010
  • Finished: November 4, 2010
  • Updated: November 5, 2010
  • Progress updates: 2 updates