Pride Progress shawl
August 6, 2021
August 29, 2021

Pride Progress shawl

Project info
Neck / TorsoShawl / Wrap
Needles & yarn
KnitCircus Sock du Soleil 75/25

Uses 11 20g mini skeins: white, pink, light blue, brown, black, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet.

Arc section
Plan: CO 100sts on US 6 needle with white yarn (aiming for 28” with gauge of 24 sts/4”)
Row 1: K one row.
Row 2: Sl1, K until 5 sts from end, Twin Stitch (TS).
Row 3: Sl1, K to 5 sts before gap, TS. Rep Row 3 14 more times. Remember that each TS counts as 1 st! (8 garter ridges, 8 groups of 5 sts at either end.)


Row 6: Sl1, k to gap, k2, TS.
Rep row 6 once.
Row 7: Sl1, k to first gap, keep knitting to 2nd gap, k2, TS.
Rep row 7 until 2 gaps and 8 sts remain on either side (gap, 3 sts, gap, 5 sts)
Row 8: Sl1, k to end, turn.
Row 9: Sl1, k to end.


Pink Stripe:
Row 1: Switch to pink yarn. K across all sts
Rep from ** to **

Light Blue Stripe
Switch to light blue yarn. Repeat instructions from ## to ##

Knit Brown section same as Pink and Black same as Blue

Pennant section:
NOTE: Each stripe will use ALL of a 20g skein of yarn; if you are getting short on yarn you can turn each odd row at 15 sts from the gap instead of 12 sts.
CO 240 sts in red on another needle.
Row 1: Hold chevron vertically. K last CO st together with 1st black st from chevron. Turn and using the same needle chevron is on, K red sts until 12 sts from end. Slip 12 sts onto needle. Turn. Slip 12 sts back onto other end of needle the chevron is on. You will not need the second needle any longer.
Row 2: Slip next st and pull it tight, as a TS. K to last red st. K this st together with next black st. Turn.
Row 3: K to 12 sts from gap (that is, 12 sts before where you turned last time). TS
Row 4: as Row 2.
Rep rows 3 and 4 14 times; on 10th Row 4, k one red st together with two black sts.
Row 5: K to end.
Row 6: Start orange yarn. K as row 2.
Row 7: K to 12 sts from end.
Rep rows 3 and 4 15 times, remembering that every 10th row 4 ends with a k3tog (one red, two black sts).
Row 9: K to end (I skipped row 8 on purpose, to keep even and odd rows lined up.)

Starting from Row 6, rep from ** to ** with yellow, green, blue, violet.
On last row of violet, CO instead of knitting back to end: Sl1, ktbl, sl2 sts back to left ndl, then k2tog tbl. From here on ktbl, sl2 back to left ndl, k2tog tbl to end of row. Cut yarn, pull through last st, weave in all ends.

option: if you leave long ends at the tip of the pennant, you can finish with a 6-strand braid instead of weaving in ends (

  • Tried adding eyelet section, didn’t like the way it looked.
  • Tried turning w/o wrapping, as is usual for garter stitch, ended up with loose sts at either end so ripped back all the way and reknitted with TSs

Yarn is holding up well to being ripped back and reknitted many times!

viewed 17 times
August 6, 2021
August 29, 2021
About this pattern
Personal pattern (not in Ravelry)
About this yarn
by KnitCircus
Light Fingering
75% Merino, 25% Nylon
460 yards / 100 grams

99 projects

stashed 103 times

dichroic's star rating
  • Project created: July 19, 2021
  • Updated: August 30, 2021
  • Progress updates: 4 updates