Lily of the Valley Scarf
November 28, 2010
December 17, 2010

Lily of the Valley Scarf

Project info
Lily of the Valley Scarf by Nancy Bush
Neck / TorsoScarf
A friend, Gloria
14" x 71" blocked
Needles & yarn
Colinette Jitterbug
Fingering (14 wpi)
1 skein = 400.0 yards (365.8 meters), 150 grams
Velvet Plum
Twist New Hope, PA
November 24, 2010

This was my first “real” lace project so I rated it as a medium. Actually, once I got going with it; I would call it easy. The Jitterbug yarn is 100% merino but has a elasticity to it that can be scary. This piece was only 9” x 39” before blocking. A simple wet block relaxed the twist in the yarn and it was just stunning!

I recommend this book to anyone looking to try lace as the patterns are well written and pleasant. I also recommend the Jitterbug. It is affordable and comes in a whopping 110 solids, tonals and varigateds. LOVELY yarn.

viewed 18 times | helped 1 person
November 28, 2010
December 17, 2010
About this pattern
747 projects, in 606 queues
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  • Project created: October 2, 2010
  • Finished: January 6, 2011
  • Updated: January 22, 2011