TEASER ALERT! :) I AM thrilled that testing is already underway for my latest design. This one is a similar style to my All Sass and No Squatch Hat (seen here, but not blurred out). This one will be another mysterious creature, one who I have also had a little obsession over since I spent many summers at Leech Lake, MN in the North Woods. There are a few other personal reasons why this creature resonates with my soul-but I will spare you the details. Suffice to say, I am so obsessed that I am currently working on a life sized model of this dude for my bedroom! bahaha! My husband is not thrilled (since he is in charge of making the base of the model using my really pathetic schematics).
But, I digress, this is about my latest pattern, that still has room for another tester or two! If you would like to be a tester hop on over to my group, Dragonbird’s Nest, on Raverly and check on the testing information thread for this creature! I cannot wait to unleash this beast into the world! 
Now, I’ve given many clues, and if you check out the test thread, you’ll see what the creature is, but if you don’t feel like putting in the work and just want to guess what the creature is, feel free to guess away! I am sad to say, many people have not heard of this one! BOO!
4 of 5 tests complete pattern live.