I started out on 4mm needles, but didn’t like the openness of the fabric, so I started over on 3.75mm needles. Also tried to cable without a cable needle, but I wasn’t happy with the results -- I did the first 4 that way, and the rest with the cable needle, and will continue on this way for the rest of the scarf.
Scarf width, preblocking, is 10.75”
12-1: Day 1 Complete; 3.5 hours (used the written directions)
12-2: Day 2 complete: 1.75 hours (used the chart)
12-3: Day 3 complete: 1.75 hours
12-4: Day 4 complete: 3 hours
12-5: Day 5 complete: 2.25 hours - so far, 15” long, unblocked.
12-6: Day 6 complete: 2.75 hours
12-7: Day 7 complete: 3 hours - added a second skein; ran out of the first skein at the end of row 164.
12-8: Day 8 complete: 2 hours - aligned the cable because that one-off stitch bugged the heck out of me. Added the stitch back in on the last row at the end of the row, so now I am back to 54 sts. in the body of the scarf.
12-9: Day 9 complete: 2 hours
12-10: Day 10 done: 2.25 hours
12-11: Day 11 done: 5 hours. Liked it so much I knit it twice …. NOT! …. I messed up the end of Day 10 by knitting stockinette stitch where the garter rows ought to have been and didn’t notice my mistake until I had knit all of Day 11. %)#^UU$^)@!!!! So I rippped it all back and redid it with the proper garter rows between days 10 and 11.
12-12: Day 12 **HALF WAY MARK** 2.5 hours
Scarf measures exactly 36” long, unblocked
12-13: Day 13 complete on Friday the 13th; 2.5 hours
12-14: Day 14 complete; joined the 3rd ball of yarn at the very end of the day’s knitting at the conclusion of Row 336. All set for tomorrow. 2.5 hours
12-15: Day 15 complete: 2.5 hours
12-16:Day 16 complete: 3 hours
12-17: Day 17 complete:2 hours
12-20: Days 18 & 19 complete: 4 hours
12-21: Day 20 complete: 2.25 hours
12-22: Days 21 & 22 complete: 3.5 hours - I messed up a section of the lattice on Day21, but let it go. Added a 4th ball of yarn in the middle of Day 22.
12-24: Skipping Day 23; time just isn’t with me.
1-1-20: I decided just to bind off what I have done, through Day 22. 45 minutes. It’s 72” long and 11” wide.
Total number of hours spent knitting on it: 33.75 hours