Advent Scarf 2019
December 1, 2019
January 1, 2020

Advent Scarf 2019

Project info
Advent Scarf 2019 by Tricia Weatherston
Neck / TorsoScarf
one of the girls
we'll see!
Needles & yarn
US 5 - 3.75 mm
5.5 stitches and 8 rows = 1 inch
Rowan Felted Tweed
4.25 skeins = 813.5 yards (743.8 meters), 212 grams
House Mountain Yarn Co. in Lexington, Virginia

I started out on 4mm needles, but didn’t like the openness of the fabric, so I started over on 3.75mm needles. Also tried to cable without a cable needle, but I wasn’t happy with the results -- I did the first 4 that way, and the rest with the cable needle, and will continue on this way for the rest of the scarf.

Scarf width, preblocking, is 10.75”

12-1: Day 1 Complete; 3.5 hours (used the written directions)
12-2: Day 2 complete: 1.75 hours (used the chart)
12-3: Day 3 complete: 1.75 hours
12-4: Day 4 complete: 3 hours
12-5: Day 5 complete: 2.25 hours - so far, 15” long, unblocked.
12-6: Day 6 complete: 2.75 hours
12-7: Day 7 complete: 3 hours - added a second skein; ran out of the first skein at the end of row 164.
12-8: Day 8 complete: 2 hours - aligned the cable because that one-off stitch bugged the heck out of me. Added the stitch back in on the last row at the end of the row, so now I am back to 54 sts. in the body of the scarf.
12-9: Day 9 complete: 2 hours
12-10: Day 10 done: 2.25 hours
12-11: Day 11 done: 5 hours. Liked it so much I knit it twice …. NOT! …. I messed up the end of Day 10 by knitting stockinette stitch where the garter rows ought to have been and didn’t notice my mistake until I had knit all of Day 11. %)#^UU$^)@!!!! So I rippped it all back and redid it with the proper garter rows between days 10 and 11.
12-12: Day 12 **HALF WAY MARK** 2.5 hours
Scarf measures exactly 36” long, unblocked
12-13: Day 13 complete on Friday the 13th; 2.5 hours
12-14: Day 14 complete; joined the 3rd ball of yarn at the very end of the day’s knitting at the conclusion of Row 336. All set for tomorrow. 2.5 hours
12-15: Day 15 complete: 2.5 hours
12-16:Day 16 complete: 3 hours
12-17: Day 17 complete:2 hours
12-20: Days 18 & 19 complete: 4 hours
12-21: Day 20 complete: 2.25 hours
12-22: Days 21 & 22 complete: 3.5 hours - I messed up a section of the lattice on Day21, but let it go. Added a 4th ball of yarn in the middle of Day 22.
12-24: Skipping Day 23; time just isn’t with me.
1-1-20: I decided just to bind off what I have done, through Day 22. 45 minutes. It’s 72” long and 11” wide.

Total number of hours spent knitting on it: 33.75 hours

viewed 76 times | helped 1 person
December 1, 2019
January 1, 2020
About this pattern
572 projects, in 306 queues
eastskye's overall rating
eastskye's clarity rating
eastskye's difficulty rating
eastskye's adjectives for this pattern
  1. relaxing
  2. interesting
  3. non-stressful
About this yarn
by Rowan
50% Merino, 25% Alpaca, 25% Rayon
191 yards / 50 grams

47710 projects

stashed 50300 times

eastskye's star rating
eastskye's adjectives for this yarn
  1. obedient
  2. polished
  3. elegantly rustic
  • Originally queued: November 16, 2019
  • Project created: November 29, 2019
  • Finished: January 3, 2020
  • Updated: April 7, 2020
  • Progress updates: 15 updates