Ideas for the border: three or four rows of solid hdc in dark purple.
Or one row of grey purple, one row of pinky purple and one row of dark purple, all in hdc.
Or border 39 starting with pink, then dark, grey, dark, pink, dark, ending on grey.
Nope, decided on border 39 starting with base round of pink, then dark purple, pink, the dtr row in dark purple, then pink and ending on dark purple.
Okay, no. That top bit with the dark purple on every second row is too overpowering. Am going to rip back what I’ve done of the border and undo that whole top section even though I’ve sewn in all the ends. There will be cutting!
Replacement: Pink purple every second row, making sure to end on the dark purple.
And for the border, I think I’ll keep it to the grey purple and the dark purple so it doesn’t look too overwhelmingly pink.
Finally finished. Doing a second pink purple section was exactly what was needed. Unfortunately the transition section resulted in a repetition of dark purple and grey purple which does sort of catch my eye but can’t be helped now.
Tried really hard to space the stitches evenly on the border but still ended up with totally wacked out stitch counts on every side. And as a result, one side ruffles a lot more than the other three. I’m really quite dismayed about this because though I was spot on about choosing this border for the blanket and it frames the crocodile stitch beautifully, the slight ruffling makes it look very untidy indeed. To me.
And the wool turned out really floppy on the feature row of the border which bothers me too. The next two rows secure it a little bit better but still I would have like the border to be as solid as the bulk of the blanket.
Colourwise, I decided keeping it to the grey and dark purple would make it too dull so put the pink purple as the second last row. I’m pretty okay with that.
Unravelled the ruffled border and redid it and now it’s perfect, yay! Well, almost perfect. Still doesn’t lay quite as flat as I would like but I suspect that’s because the fabric itself moves quite a lot. Am DONE. Now just need to take pix in good warm light and then give it to its recipient.
Final dimensions: 39 across and 37 down in inches.