I was so excited when I found this pattern; the design is too perfect. It was a bit of a challenge to acquire and make, as the website and pattern are entirely in Spanish (and I speak zero Spanish), but amigurumi are pretty straight forward so I wasn’t about to be daunted by a little language barrier.
I should have used a hook one size smaller (the closest I had to what the pattern called for was one size up, but going down instead would have turned out better), so I’ll keep that in mind whenever I do something with the remaining yarn. I followed the pattern pretty solidly except that I made the hat a little bit different, adding an additional increase row plus a couple decrease rows at the end to make it a bit more beret-like. I’m also undecided on if I’ll give him the little pink cheeks or not. Currently feeling like I’ll leave him as is.
He turned out really great, and I’m super happy with him!
Total time: 27 hrs, 17 min
Spanish conversion references:
Spanish Crochet Terms and English Translations
Crochet terms conversion chart (American English/Spanish)
Crochet Terms Translated into 9 Languages