Baby Whale cardi
December 2, 2023
February 6, 2024

Baby Whale cardi

Project info
Save the Baby Whales! by Sargantana Formenterenca
Needles & yarn


Playing chicken with this project! All leftover stash yarn; I have no idea how much I’m working with. joy


Weeeellllllll… I have two extra increases on one side and I need to take out 8 hours worth of work. So, this is going in time out for a bit.


We’re back in business! I frogged to the error and got everything back on track. partying_face

I’ve just finished the chart with the whales. I kind of DIY’d it because the chart for the 2-3 year size skips the tail in the back center, and why?? It’s so cute! How could you bear to skip it? So I loaded up my stitches with a billion markers to make up my own spacing, made the whales themselves one stitch wider, and worked it out so I could keep the tail. I’m very pleased with how it turned out. smiling_face_with_3_hearts

Next up is the second set of waves and then the bottom ribbing. I’m certain I’ll run out of the lace yarn before completing the sleeves, but I did get another skein of Malabrigo Marine. Unfortunately this new dye lot is wildly different from what I had before. The blue tone is actually fairly close, but now it’s variegated with black? I don’t know what’s up with that. Seems to me this is far enough of a departure to warrant a new color name from the dyer, but what do I know, lol. woman-shrugging


Knitting complete, ends woven, and all blocked! Just need to get some buttons, which look to need to be about dime-sized for the button holes.


Took a bit for the buttons to arrive, but they turned out just like I was hoping! I think the shade of brown looks really good with the yarn.

Total time: 54 hrs, 4 min

viewed 3 times
December 2, 2023
February 6, 2024
About this pattern
661 projects, in 842 queues
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  • Project created: December 5, 2023
  • Finished: February 27, 2024
  • Updated: March 28, 2024
  • Progress updates: 3 updates