Autumn Tones Bun Friendly Pōtae
September 16, 2020
September 30, 2020

Autumn Tones Bun Friendly Pōtae

Project info
HatBeanie, Toque
erebus on ravelry
Needles & yarn
US 4 - 3.5 mm
US 8 - 5.0 mm
22 stitches and 28 rows = 4 inches
Craft Wise Tones
none left in stash
0.86 skeins = 43 grams
The Warehouse in Canterbury
August 28, 2020

I have been having issues with my pink beanie because as I have grown my hair I have taken to wearing it up in a bun and secured with a thick wooden hairpin. This is lovely as it is very firm and it doesn’t come loose like elastic hair-ties or clips, and if it does break it can just be composted, because it’s not plastic or metal. It is kind of annoying trying to fit it under a hat though. y solution is a hat with the crown missing so I can pop my hair out the top.

Knitting in the round;
Long tail cast on 112st
Knit about 29rows k/p rib
Knit 4 rows,
then divide into quarters with stitch markers.; 26st each quadrant (112st)

I used a mitred decrease (knitting two together either side of each stitch marker).

Knit 2 together in the back (knitwise stitch only inserting the needle from the purlside edge),
and then slip stitch marker and
knit 2 together in front (the direction of standard knit stitch)

I did a row of decreases then a rest row. as the decreases are worked the row lengths shortens accordingly.

26st per quadrant (112st) - starting row
24st / quad (96st)
knit all stitches for rest row (96st)
22st / quad (88st)
rest row (88st)
20st / quad(80st)
18st / quad (72st)
16st / quad (64st)
14st / quad (56st)

I then ran some extra decreases to start tightening the top of the hat. I staggered this so that it did not interfere with the line caused by the mitre, and I did it on the rest row.

k3, k2tog, k4, k2tog, k3 • (each quad)
leaving me with 10st / quad (40st)

to make the hole sit more toward the back of the hat, I started to knit short rows the the 2 quadrants that would become the “front” of the hat.
I knit 2tog in the end of the row, then turned the work, picking up the next stitch on my (now) right, and purling 2 together to purl back across the last 2 quadrants.
I purled the last 2 stitched together of that quadrant,
turned the work, and then slipped the stitch on my right (in the next quad over) to knint it together with the start of the row)
I knitted across once more knitting 2 together at the middle point where the mitre was.
knitted the last 2 stitches together, turned the work, and then picked up the stitch on the right purled together with the last stitch knitted.

I purled back across 2 quadrants then decided to bind off purlwise.

I purled 3 stitches then swapped to a 5mm needle and bound off purlwise, using a yarn needle to join the last tail in a stitch with the start of the row, and to weave in the leading tail from the cast on.

It’s a bit frustrating trying to knit when I can’t focus well (visually or concentration-wise).
Luckily I got used to un-knitting (“tinking?”) when I found that I had dozed off in the middle of things and gone back into knitting rib in the flat section .. eyeroll

viewed 1 time
September 16, 2020
September 30, 2020
About this pattern
Personal pattern (not in Ravelry)
  • Project created: September 29, 2020
  • Finished: September 29, 2020
  • Updated: September 30, 2020