Softy Blue Matt Hat
no date set
June 11, 2017

Softy Blue Matt Hat

Project info
HatBeanie, Toque
Matthew Rushworth
Needles & yarn
US 10½ - 6.5 mm
Passionknit 12 Ply Chunky 100% Acrylic
Bulky (7 wpi)
Hawaii Blue
Spotlight (NZ)

Knitting in acrylic for the wool intolerant, meant softer and warm, but not as elastic or forming.

Thicker needles meant I decided not to use stitch markers this time. I used approximation from the yarn band for swatch size.

Kfab is knit front and back to make a stitch.

Round1: Cast on 4 and join the round.
Round2: Kfab all 4 stitches (8st)
Round3: Knit all stitches (8st)
Round4: Kfab all stitches (16st)
Round5: Knit all stitches (16st)

Treating as 4 quadrants (4 quadrants of 4 stitches each)
kfab first and last stitches of each quadrant on increase rounds, and knit a rest round after each increase round, thus:

Round6: kfab, knit 2, kfab / kfab, knit 2, kfab /
kfab, knit 2, kfab / kfab, knit 2 kfab
(6 stitches per quadrant, 24 stitches)
Round7: knit all stitches (24 stitches)
Round 8: increase to 8 stitches per quadrant (32 stitches)
Round 9: knit all stitches (32 stitches)

Each increase round number corresponds to the number of stitches per quadrant.

Knit to round 20 (80st total).
Knit length of approx 9 cm (I did about 17 rows)
Change to single rib and knit to preferred length (approx 14 rows).

Bind off. You may prefer to bind off with a needle a size up for a stretchier finish. This one was a bit tight.

viewed 5 times
no date set
June 11, 2017
About this pattern
Personal pattern (not in Ravelry)
  • Project created: May 29, 2017
  • Updated: June 11, 2017