1d elementary cellular automata 01001001 scarf
October 18, 2011
October 20, 2011

1d elementary cellular automata 01001001 scarf

Project info
Machine Knitting
the beauty of math
Tools and equipment
Hamburger Wollfabrik 2116 (3-fach / 3-fold)
Hamburger Wollfabrik 2116 (3-fach / 3-fold)

Scripted with Processing, Elementary Cellular Automata with ruleset 01001001 (rule 73, which is an unusual case, and in this version, doesn’t form walls and exhibits class 3 behavior). Width of the scarf is 51 pixels/stitches. The width affects the generative pattern. The first pixel (the seed for the pattern) on one side is (0,23), the first pixel on the other side is (0,29). There is no repeat in this particular length of scarf. The total length is 640 rows. Each chunk of 102 by 128 stitches had to be cut and pasted together before sending to the knitting machine. At 102 stitches wide, the maximum memory on my KH930 knitting machine is 128 rows long. Tension 3.. (almost 4, 3 and two dots). Black is the main color, and corresponds to the black pixels output by Processing. I should have cast on two more stitches: 104 for the black bands on the edges to show up, but I forgot so added in an extra stitch as I knitting machine hemmed up the long edge (edge Tension 3, cast on 3 stitches, two of which are where the scarf’s edges are added, see last two pictures). The two short edges are kitchenered.

The code for the scarf is in Processing, a java based language. You can download the code and run it for free, it is located in this zip file in the folder: Units 43-51 > 49 Simulate 1 > _01 > _01.pde. This code is an example from the book Processing: A Programming Handbook for Visual Designers and Artists.

I added on the functionality to output an image of the finished generative art in tiff format to the code. Here is the source code for that:

A script I wrote in Scheme for Script Fu in Gimp to batch convert a folder of images from tiff to indexed two-color bitmap for the knitting machine is located here.

Knit on my hacked KH930 knitting machine.

viewed 425 times | helped 1 person
October 18, 2011
October 20, 2011
About this pattern
Personal pattern (not in Ravelry)
About this yarn
by Hamburger Wollfabrik
Light Fingering
100% Wool
273 yards / 50 grams

133 projects

stashed 76 times

fbz's star rating
  • Project created: October 19, 2011
  • Finished: October 20, 2011
  • Updated: June 27, 2015
  • Progress updates: 2 updates