Warped 10 grey, 8 white, 8 grey x 5, 8 white, 54 grey across through 2 12-dent heddles- one for grey only, and one for white only.
I alternated between all white weft, houndstooth deflected doubleweave, and all grey weft. The scarf came out roughly symmetrical with white, houndstooth, grey, houndstooth, grey, houndstooth, white. This results in a scarf that mixes stripes with a bold houndstooth.
The houndstooth portion is a very simple deflected doubleweave pattern. As mentioned above, I warped each color through it’s own heddle. Each color was used for 8 picks, and a pick-up stick was used to go over and under the opposite color to form the pattern. Because of the large region of grey on the edge of the houndstooth pattern, I had to open the shed in both heddles when working the white. However, if you don’t have this grey band on the edge, the pattern should be worked as follows:
Heddle 1: Grey
Heddle 2: White
Rows 1-4: Grey weft. Heddle 2 stays neutral. Alternating between heddle 1 up and down, slide the pick up stick through the open grey shed. When you come to white threads, go over 4 white, under 4 white across.
Rows 5-8: Grey weft. Heddle 2 stays neutral. Alternating between heddle 1 up and down, slide the pick up stick through the open grey shed. When you come to white threads, go under 4 white, over 4 white across.
Rows 9-12: White weft. Heddle 1 stays neutral. Alternating between heddle 2 up and down, slide the pick up stick through the open white shed. When you come to grey threads, go over 4 grey, under 4 grey across.
Rows 13-16: White weft. Heddle 1 stays neutral. Alternating between heddle 2 up and down, slide the pick up stick through the open white shed. When you come to grey threads, go under 4 grey, over 4 grey across.
This could just as easily be done with a single heddle as it is a very simple pick-up pattern.
I was inspired by this, but made it simpler so as to be manageable on the rigid heddle loom.