the swooner
October 25, 2010
July 16, 2011

the swooner

Project info
Bed Jacket by Jennie Atkinson
Coat / Jacket
Needles & yarn
Berroco Ultra Alpaca
215 yards in stash
6 skeins = 1290.0 yards (1179.6 meters), 600 grams
Knit-O-Matic in Toronto, Ontario
October 20, 2010

knitting this for the knit-o-matic sweater kal, and also for a personal deadline at the end of july!

25 oct 2010 - needles bought, have a million other things to do, but i’m casting on anyways, dammit

11 nov 2010 - hibernating till after xmas. or till after the xmas projects are done, at least.

7 june 2011 - starting this one again! i am home sick so a bed jacket seems appropriate! this is going to be my “sweater” for the knitomatic 2011 sweater-along.

14 june 2011 - started the sleeves last night - and decided to keep that for at-home knitting (too many stitches!) and start working on the collar and lace trim on the subway. much more portable. i have a deadline for this now, too: i want it done before the end of july!

24 june 2011 - collar is rows away from being done - i needed to wind another skein of yarn. for the record, the collar took just over 1 skein, and working from the bottom hem up to the back neckline took just over 2 skeins.

25 june 2011 - collar is done! lace is started! and i’m almost finished the sleeve increases for the fronts!

30 june 2011 - rrrrrrrrrr i thought i was clever knitting both fronts at once but i just realised that one is somehow wider than the other by a full pattern repeat (8 sts)? augh! not sure i can bear the idea of ripping back. but i suppose i must. boo hoo.

4 july 2011 - finished the fronts yesterday! decided that the whoops would be hidden under the collar, and not worth the heartache of going back to fix. did the shoulder seams via 3-needle bindoff (but without the third needle, just picking up sts held on scrap yarn as i went). tried on, happy! can’t wait to attach collar and measure to see exactly how much more lace i need to do.

6 july 2011 - used up an entire skein on the lace edging - and it’s still not long enough to go all the way around! yikes!

16 july 2011 - this lace truly is neverending. i’ve used up almost another half-ball and it’s still not long enough. however, i have finished and attached the lace around the sleeves, and i’ve 2/3 done the tie - i only chained 300 instead of 500 because it seems plenty long (and i know nothing about crochet so i’m sure my tension is wrong wrong wrong)

17 july 2011 - finished it off last night! what gorgeous garment. i think this is definitely the prettiest thing i have ever made. the pattern is really quite simple, even if the construction seems weird. wondergul, wonderful, wonderful.

viewed 823 times | helped 2 people
October 25, 2010
July 16, 2011
About this pattern
71 projects, in 299 queues
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About this yarn
by Berroco
50% Wool, 50% Alpaca
219 yards / 100 grams

56942 projects

stashed 33111 times

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  • Originally queued: October 20, 2010
  • Project created: October 25, 2010
  • Finished: July 17, 2011
  • Updated: August 23, 2011
  • Progress updates: 10 updates